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Everything posted by Pasa

  1. Lol, I think I do her route next once I'm done with Hinata.
  2. Did you change your system local to Japanese ?
  3. Princess Nightmare https://erogegames.com/princess-nightmare-618/
  4. Its Yuri and more Yuri is always a good thing. Edit: Mangagamer licensing survey The 2nd Annual Licensing Survey is Open! ? MangaGamer Staff Blog
  5. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/LDItEv5.jpg Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, 1504/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (65.2%) Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Aokana - 1st pass TL done, 2nd pass in progress Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - prologue patch released, 43,756 / 64,880 (67.44%) lines transla
  6. For it to work properly you need to extract them all and the best way to do it is to put all the zips in one folder, then select them all, after that right click and extract here.
  7. I only ever had that problem when trying to run games without running them as admin, even when you have just one account you still need to do it. So you should try to right click on the exe, then select properties and switch to compatibility tab. After that just check the run as admin option. http://i.imgur.com/LszPBmK.png EDIT: Also are you trying to run it from the zip ? You shouldn't do that, first you need to extract it and then play it.
  8. We may get the 18 + version of Aselia after Seinarukana is out http://i.imgur.com/EsCOQRx.png
  9. JAST DevLog ? Will you be translating Potential Ability? I have...
  10. Pasa

    Bunny Black 2

    This may just be on my end but i say it just in case. The game crashes when i try to go to Flame of Valor 1F from the Hall of Doors.
  11. Pasa

    Top 10 of 2015

    I was mostly catching up with old stuff so i didn't watch many new ones. So i go with Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki and Owari no Seraph http://i.imgur.com/2s1ZWXk.png http://i.imgur.com/C2X21qR.png?1
  12. For those in doubt http://i.imgur.com/abao23w.png
  13. http://i.imgur.com/hnDuXym.gif
  14. For now i'm going to watch Gate 2nd Season, not sure what else.
  15. Just like the picture thread but with Anime gifs. So i will start http://i.imgur.com/7mFWLNq.gif
  16. Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 and Homeworld Deserts of Kharak
  17. Hey Vall sup, haven't seen you in a while ?

  18. JAST update: http://i.imgur.com/VpUbHet.png
  19. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/sSPLMYw.jpg Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, 1504/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (65.2%) Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Aokana - 1st pass TL done, 2nd pass in progress Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - prologue patch released, 42,852 / 64,880 (66.05%) lines tra
  20. The game is in beta so its probably true.
  21. The game and the patch https://erogegames.com/ayakashibito-579/ Before asking where to find games first look at the list https://erogegames.com/translated-games-list-297/ After you download and install the game and the patch set your system local to Japanese, if you dont know how to do it see this Changing to Japanese locale on Windows 7 | Eroge Download
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