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Everything posted by Pasa

  1. I'm 100% sure that Yosuga no Sora will be finished, while they are slow they also don't seem like the giving up type.
  2. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/hs9O4D0.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1879/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (81.4%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, 68% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 362/722/722 KB translate
  3. Did not play it myself but from what I heard that is all of it.
  4. Shikkoku no Sharnoth, Sekien no Inganock and Sharin no Kuni.
  5. As I said in the other thread it is still going but extremely slow.
  6. Did you changing to Japanese locale, and what windows are you using ?
  7. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 69% translated, 65% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 362/722/722 KB translated Corpse Party 2 - Chapter 1
  8. Personally I thinks its best to stay with Windows 7 if you plan to play new and old games and VNs. I will only switch to Windows 10 after 7 stops supporting new games.
  9. Try running it in Windows 8 compatibility mode with the fix applied.
  10. See this https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-tech-support/4308-dracu-riot-error-message/
  11. They will be here once the admin gets them.
  12. Hi your comments were not deleted, they just need a bit time before they display.

    Also when you have questions feel free to drop by the Shoutbox or make a forum post.

  13. The last update was on July 11 and the partial patch is at 36%
  14. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/Zo31gWU.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 69% translated, 65% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 180/722/722 KB translate
  15. https://twitter.com/deepbluejeer/status/766673628171603969
  16. Even if that is their excuse for Grisaia most of their other projects are ultra slow now as well, I mean just look at the progress for Chrono Clock or Maitetsu. He probably means generally as they have been blaming multiple delays and problems for many of their projects on the developers.
  17. Sekai Project has been ultra slow and totally incompetent for a while now.
  18. There is also Violated Heroine https://mega.co.nz/#F!AFxRmIzR!0vautGm-_Dd5rQVPuoPPiQ
  19. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/MqqfHOr.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 69% translated, 65% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 74/722 KB translated Co
  20. What are you talking about Sona-Nyl is a amazing VN and Hapymaher also looks interesting.
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