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Posts posted by killerinsidee

  1. First of all, please put Fate/stay night in a spoiler box.


    About the Sumika stuff; You're not exaggerating. A lot of people would consider it to be very extreme, especially those who are not used to that sort of thing. One could argue that it's a very effective way to make the player hate BETA, but on the other hand, there are a lot of other ways to do that without (tentacle) rape. It seems to me like JP VN writers tend to use rape often, nukige aside. It's sort of commonplace in mecha and/or more serious action VNs. I can name quite a few high rated VNs that I haven't played yet which most probably have some form of molestation or rape. It's kind of odd to say, but you'll get used to it, probably. :/

    Personally, I don't like pointless rape scenes that are used randomly, just for the hell of it. If these scenes are present, at least it should make sense in that story/situation. MLA can get away with Sumika's rape scene in my opinion. I would probably be traumatized by it like you are if I wasn't used to it already. ^^


    By the way, if you want to chat about MLA or other VNs, etc., you can always come to the Shoutbox chat on this forum. I'm pretty sure most of us who chat there already played MLA.

  2. That error is AlphaRom related. Try deleting the Settec folder in your documents if it's there, also the ASign (C:\Program Data\Asign) if this game generates that (not sure), this just deletes the files the crack generated. Reinstall the game (also re-apply cracks, alsignup_101029b.exe or alpharomdie).

  3. You should just read https://vndb.org/v17 instead. It has pretty much everything you're looking for. Good characters, a very interesting story and there's also a certain something that you won't find in anime. I won't spoil it, though. The only problem with Ever17 is that you'll need to read through the first routes (4?), which are not really mindblowing, to get to the really fucking amazing last route. I mean, you'll be staring at the screen dumbfounded for 10mins, believe me. It's totally worth it, but you could find the routes before that a bit boring.


    Just to add a note about Hoshizora. It falls under the moege genre/sub-genre, meaning it's less story and more cutesy nonsense, silly comedy, slice of life stuff, etc. If you're looking for a good story, you won't find it moege. These are some exceptions of course.

  4. ^

    There is no story after Alternative. Only thing that's kind of close to a sequel is Altered Fable, but it's just some fandisc comedy nonsense that's not considered to be an actual sequel. Go figure.

    All other VNs in the Muv Luv series are just spin-offs set in the same universe, but don't have that much to do with the Alternative's story. Characters from Alternative cameo in some of them, though.

  5. ^

    People who are waiting for the gift-wrapped fanTL patches shouldn't complain in my opinion. Translators pick up stuff they like. I doubt many would pick up a VN based on how many people are going to read the finished TL. What you consider to be a waste of time, others may really like. It's hard to believe that you don't have any interest in any of the recent VNs. I do understand how you feel, though. I used to be bitter about the state of the scene before as well, but you really can't do much about it other than hope for the best. It's a miracle that some of the big VNs even got TL'd, like MLA or Rewrite. I don't know if there's anyone other than ixrec who would TL something that huge for free.

  6. was the nyaa torrent taken down?

    if so, give me a minute and l'll share the crack here. ;)


    Edit: Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/maa05uaorc1rkj4/Majikoi.exe?dl=0

    that's the cracked exe. Our patch doesn't mess with it, so you're golden :p


    Isn't reg.dll used to bypass the dvd check?

    It's included in all torrents.


    Edit: I tried doing a clean install again, now it apparently works without any crack. *shrugs*

  7. so,about eden.Should I get the 18+ version or does the All-ages version has something else besides removing sex?


    Get the all-ages version. Only thing 18+ has is the tacked on h-scenes which don't actually appear in the story and a few CGs are edited to be more mature, that's about it. If you don't want h-scenes, you won't miss anything by playing the all-ages version.

  8. Hmm, I don't have the game anymore so I can't test it, but can you try setting it to that 2nd option (Fullscreen), click ok (save settings) then exit the game, run it again and try selecting the Fullscreen(旧) option?

    I think that 3rd option is supposed to stretch whatever you selected previously, that's why it's putting black screen around windowed, i.e., technically "windowed" was still the -last setting-.

    That's the only thing I can think of, because of 旧.

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