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Posts posted by killerinsidee

  1. Neither Mangagamer nor JAST have partnership with Atelier Sakura as far as I know so there's little to no chance of it happening. Also, these kind of short NTR games are not really the most popular things for someone to pick up and fan translate. Don't get your hopes up.

  2. You can change your Windows color to 16bit and it will work, however, the window size in these old Giga games is really damn small. Baldr Bullet is made on the same engine and the best way I was able to get it to work properly is with Virtual Box. It's the best one to use for these games because you can resize the window and it will scale properly. If you try with VMWare, it won't scale right and the screen will go blank. That's all you can do really.


    Edit: http://i.imgur.com/a6TN8am.jpg

  3. Mangagamer bringing Eden in the west, also all profit from Eden will go on the localization of Supipara.

    Looking to the future with minori | MangaGamer Staff Tumblr


    It's nice to have Eden* at least, but I'm kind of skeptical about the Supipara "funding" thing. There was some interview with the president of Minori a while back and he said that the development costs a shitload of money. It's a really short game (2-10 hours) so they can't exactly put a $50 price tag on it. They said "once the profits from eden release 100k, we'll do supipara ch1, at 200k, we'll do ch2" then "however, the sum profit from all 3 games will then be going into the development of the rest of supipara". It's really hard to tell if they can pull off 200k from Eden*. They are better off just making some Kickstarter thing tbh.


    About that "chapters of Supipara released here in the West FIRST! BEFORE JAPAN!" - as cool as it sounds, won't Minori risk pissing off some of their main fanbase by releasing the stuff to "hentai gaijin" first? It's a bit funny, the Minori who put draconian drm on older games, especially on Eden*, willing to release stuff outside of Japan first.


    Edit: Someone did ask about KS and they said "Because both us at mangagamer and minori want to be more professional about this". I hope their confidence pays off.

  4. ^

    I have no idea what you're talking about : O


    Anyways, the lack of interest in finishing the last 9k~ lines of EX is disappointing. High hopes for Angel Beats and Tomoyo After ME.


    Thanks for the fast replay, well i think i play it after i finshed all clannad routes, it nice that the voice actors are the same, i really wanted to play tomoyo after but the new voice of her is not so good as the old :/


    You're saying that 一色ヒカル sucks? Heretic -.-

  5. I haven't actually introduced myself despite having been here for a while...

    Age: 20, almost 21

    College: Oregon State University

    Occupation: Student, Triple major in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, with a minor in Physics (a lot of classes overlap, so it's really 3 degree and a minor for the price of a double major, it's not as impressive as it sounds)

    Hobbies: Visual Novels, Division 2 Tennis, Intramural Snowboarding, State Competition Military Paintball, Knife throwing, hunting, YouTube

    Music: All types of metal

    Movies: Horror / Thriller

    Etc: Prefers magic over physical attacks, takes everything seriously, crap at making jokes, overthinks everything

    Character Preferences: Long straight hair (blue/red/black/purple/silver, NOT pink or light green... dark green MAYBE), C/D boobs, loyal, relatively smart (not completely retarded), 18+, not a pushover, bright eyes, open personality


    Anything else I can think of?


    What a coincidence, I like Visual Novels and prefer magic over physical attacks, too!

    You must be new, I haven't seen you in these parts before. In any case, nice to meet you! Hope we get along from now on and forever and ever and ever and ever and ever! kyaa kyaa >.

  6. Is it just me, or is installation for visual novels unrealistically difficult compared to other software/games? End up spending more time trying to install the damn games than playing them. Oyako Lesson and Pick Me Honey are two of the WORST to have to install, damn near impossible. In all honesty though, it's usually those MG nukiges that are the hardest...


    VN installations (raw or otherwise) are the same as any other installation. No idea what you're talking about.

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