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Everything posted by Masao

  1. ^ I'm ignoring you, too busy with my ice tea
  2. I don't mean it in a bad way, he's my bro for lifetime, but laura isn't a loli
  3. He's an idiot, she's sexy, but laura is never a loli I want my Ariel for yesterday! For today I want Kobato Hasegawa: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KjTPy-2dKt0/TuIZSXBp5nI/AAAAAAAAAtQ/T1FR3tTTcsA/s1600/Episode._10_No_One_Sleeps_at_Training_Camp_Kobato_Hasegawa_1.jpg
  4. Why did not I think of him? He is one of the best... Have to add:
  5. Here some H-Manga Ryugenzawa gave me: 1 2 3 4
  6. What is with my Ariel-Sensei?
  7. Wait, if the anime is like the novel, seraphim will have a lot of screen time soon
  8. New One: Ariel, also from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? (maybe my waifu for lifetime, There is no one more beautiful than her.) http://s1.zerochan.net/240/40/48/552440.jpg
  9. The pic speaks for itself. BUTT LOVE. SHIRI AI!!!
  10. Thank you for your wisdom Grandmaster Granny.
  11. http://blog-imgs-37-origin.fc2.com/h/i/m/himada3/120419-0101020863-1440x810.jpg
  12. excellent choice, a man who is satisfied with what he has (just like this mashiro-granny... )
  13. Such epic things just happen once in a lifetime.
  14. Isn't that the blue haired girl from Pandora Hearts?
  15. It seems that you're not blind
  16. Eucliwood Hellscythe from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkd405ZsXR1qcg2kso1_500.jpg
  17. Look at her, she isn't a Loli.
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