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Everything posted by Marco

  1. so if i get this right Kotori Love Ex P. has all kotori event from, as an exampel , D.C IF or Da Capo ? since the are a lot of diffent name it confuss me a bit ^^
  2. so if i get this right, Kotori Love Ex P has the Da Capo IF part too but in Da Capo If ther is only kotori to or ? it confues me a bit ^^ but in the end Kotori Love Ex P has all the contect of her that i only need to play this game if am only interestet in her ?
  3. i liked Maika her route was funny , but the end was really horrorbil, i dont know what a prefer the Bad end or the Normal end
  4. hello guy i wanted to ask a bit about the D.C Capo VN since i love the anime, and the IF OVA with Kotori. so i wanted to play her route , but there is two version of the VN Da Capo Innocent Finale and Da Capo and bei Innocent final the commtary was not so good, so i wanted to know wich of the VN is the best for the First play ?
  5. Marco

    Fortune Arterial

    the Erika route isnt relased 100% or ? but what for a route is the Common route , the name say nothing to me. it the Bad End something like that Kouhei becames Erika Servant ? ^^
  6. Marco

    Princess Eris

    when the Main Menü is open click at the Norm Infomation and you will see what i mean
  7. thanks you for the help i dont understand what the walkthourgh mean with save and load. and i wanted play the route from the begining^^
  8. Marco

    Princess Eris

    in the game it seens that give a secound game with the twin tale sister but i cant read Japanese so i cant prove my idee but it seen really to it
  9. Hi I have a question to the shion route by Otoboku and the walktrough from the website they are only writte chapters 4 and 5 does it mean that only these chapters are important for the route ? sorry for ask such a "Silly" question but i not sure about the walktrough, and forgive me for my bad english^^
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