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Everything posted by Whitetragedy

  1. Which mean that it's not long till Rewrite Harvest Festa starts!
  2. Suggestion: Ask Zoe to bring food in a maid outfit. Moral will go up. It's good to know that we'll be getting more translations because after "-Dead/Inactive projects has been purged, if by some miracle one revives (not baldr sky), then I'll add it again-", the list looks pretty small
  3. Finished I/O, one of the best VNs I've read for a while. It was so packed with action, mystery, and suspense that I couldn't put it down. Well, a part of that might be my love for Heterochromia. Definitely worth my time.
  4. Well, what can I say, I enjoyed the story very much, but the ending left me a tad unsatisfied. If they added a few more hours I would have raised the 8.5/10 to a 9/10, but this often happen to series that deal with the infinity loop. "The beginning(0) is the end(1), the end(1) is the beginning(0)" The story is top notch. Each route serves to give information not found in other routes that builds mystery and suspense. (I would recommend using the walkthrough that comes with the patch, because it gets confusing if you go out of route order) The problem is that the scientific concepts that the
  5. Finished I/O... and but then the ending left me going WTF just happened?
  6. I/O is very intellectually delicious. Ishtar is beautiful. HE is a boss. Enlil is a bitch. Currently about to go onto route Guess some people want good H-scenes, rather than good story. *Looking at you, Boob Wars 2
  7. Found one, but it doesn't seem to work. Do I have to make an account first?
  8. We're all lucky, but this shows that some of us are luckier than others.
  9. But...but...it's art! Edit: oops, forgot to combine it in one post, my bad =.=
  10. Well seems like Ayakashibito is almost done. Can't wait to play it >_
  11. Ugh all these VN in QC makes me more anxious than if they were at 99%, because you never know if they'll be released tomorrow. In the end, you find yourself going to the same page hoping for an update. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Anyone know where I can go to torrent Ayakashibito and I/O?
  12. I don't hate Clannad, but I hate crying due to Clannad
  13. Whitetragedy

    Valkyrie Svia

    There's an allusion to life in there, but I'm not sure what...
  14. I guess calling it a golden age is an exaggeration, but for the next few months we'll be pretty busy with these titles.
  15. I/O Ayakashibito Steins;Gate Air Mahoutsukai no Yoru Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
  16. Muv Luv Alt is still on hold for me until I can handle what happens during the first gore scene.
  17. Wow, checking 1000 lines shouldn't take too long, but depending if they QC it or not.... Anyone know if they'll QC Ayakashibito? MC seems quite badass from the pics.
  18. I wonder why no one translated the sequel to Demonbane. Is it because it's not good or?
  19. Don't be mislead, that 0.9% may take 2-3 months.
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