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Some guy

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Everything posted by Some guy

  1. maji de watashi ni koi shinasai A1 english patch released: https://majitranslations.wordpress.com/2016/06/20/maji-de-watashi-ni-koi-shinasai-a-1-english-patch-released/
  2. Been like that for a while. What do you figure? MG sent it off to FW for bug-fixing and verification, and FW is just sitting on it?
  3. That's pretty optimistic, though it could explain why Koesti has pertty much dropped off the grid the last few months, heh.
  4. Anyone try it yet? Is the actual gameplay any good? Wish has really powered throguh its TL, though I understand it's pretty short. Wonder on ETA of Grisaia#2 - anyone figure it'll be this year?
  5. Tbh I should really try the demo before judging it too harshly, my opinion is based solely off tags and some screen caps.
  6. Whenever I look at Fata Morgana, I can't help but laugh and think of 2edgy4me guess I'm just too old to see the appeal. The artwork is pretty high-quality though, I admit.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/7qHg28T.jpg
  8. If the old progress is to be trusted, the whole thing should be close to finished. Sekai is likely polishing it, then will have some reason come out of nowhere that cuases it to be delayed.
  9. Only ones I've played in the last 15 years were the Kiseki series (Trails 1 and 2). One of the best RPG series I've ever played~ EDIT: More on-topic, looks like MG convinced Steam to put Gahkthun on Steam uncut. Should be interesting reactions, what with at least one loli scene (or is that from the Fan disk?), as well as the tentacle scene.
  10. My bad, forgot to add source (ノ`´)ノ ~┻━┻ Chocolatemilkgod posted: https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-news/4296-visual-novels-translation-status-[03-27-2016]/ (post 27)
  11. Is there ever? Does having some Wordpad blog with monthly updates somehow count as proof? That video seems like decent evidence to me. If he/they stick with it is of course a whole different matter~
  12. Huh, I'll be damned. Wonder what the contents are like.
  13. I'd be a hypocrite to complain too much, but I hope people buy instead of pirate Tokyo babel. Otherwise we can say goodbye to any chances of MG trying to branch out again.
  14. Cool, so that's still a thing. I stumbled across the project a long ways back while surfing around, but it got locked/went dark or somesuch, and I forgot about it. Glad to see it's still going.
  15. "shrug" At this point I can't say it's groundbreaking news no matter the truth. Many fan TLs start strong, but rarely deliver. Besides, Ren is a arrogant douche (from my personal experiences) so I can make a few guesses at the situation. Speaking of hot air, and playing with peoples expectations.... That sopposed Dracu-Riot TL is coming out on April 1st, huh? Wonder if it'll actually happen... and if it does, at what point in the story will all the text suddenly be nothing but "LOL TROLLED" over and over. I think I'll let someone else test those waters (assuming a patch actually happens)
  16. Either they approached SP, or vice versa. My hope is it will be a quick release - due to how far they were when still updating their site.
  17. Nah those are all good options and already consider my money spent on those ones. I'm just greedy and was thinking about stuff not yet announced. A little concerned about MG taking the "old path" based on starting announcements. Looks like last year hurt them more then helped, maybe. EDIT: Looks like Leyline was a casuality of SP, hopefully becuase the first of the three was almost done over a year ago, it'll mean they have most of the trilogy ready to go.
  18. Well, that Con was completely pointless. At least I don't have to worry about spending money this year, Unless either group pulls out a big surprise from somewhere.
  19. It really has been sputtering and choking for awhile now, hasn't it? Soppose I'll put it in my "maybe someday" pile along with YnS and Mahoyo. EDIT: Inb4 SP or MG announce it's official release ;P
  20. They're really gunning for those hardcopy sales huh? They must really need the revenue to hold the digital sales hostage like that (assuming it's been ready to go, anyway)
  21. Too bad the localization is a giant shitshow, I've heard a lot of good things about ChuSingura in general.
  22. Sounds like a desperete cry for attention, now that people have pretty much stopped caring. I'll believe it when I see it.
  23. I'd rather Jast continue the tradition of "Translation: never" then to force out a steaming pile like IMHHW.
  24. It moved up a percent or ten since last spring, so yeah - it's abit dodgy. But hey, if Fate Hollow can happen~
  25. With how well it's been selling, I don't think you'll need to worry. I'm just glad it's come to PC - might mean more titles previously "handheld only" will start coming over.
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