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Some guy

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Everything posted by Some guy

  1. I had seriously doubted it would be Dies, but I'm hoping it's not Rinne. But it does fit the description pretty well. sigh. Edit: In other news, https://kururutl.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/call-for-loli-arms/comment-page-1/#comment-33
  2. Already live: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/305439676/change-localization-by-supporting-culture-select-w?ref=nav_search Not so sure if it'll reach its goal though, with how low-cost the avrg tiers are. Still, I'm a sucker for the underdog, so I tossed a bit their way.
  3. Sharin seemed fairly legible to me - or was it one of those situations where scenes and dialouge had to be "re-purposed" to make sense to english speakers? I admit, I'm hopeful for Kiminozo~ EDIT: I've been eyeing Akatsuki no Goei for over a year now - was always hoping someone would pick it up.
  4. I'm kinda with Doddler on that - sucks in the short term, but might be good for us in the long run, depending on how things go~
  5. Happy birthday man :) your still just a pup, but that just means you get to experience that much more - enjoy yourself. :)

  6. All done - like you said, the music got a bit better in the last half - still not completely satisfied, but it was pretty decent. UFO did a good job, and I like how they Great story, and well produced - but damn is it frustrating. It remains my least favorite of the three arcs, which is funny because Rin is my #1 girl. Heavens Feel incoming - hopefully sooner rather then later.
  7. Steins Gate around august for ps3 huh? I can finally pick it up for a buddy of mine - doesn't have a PC but loved the anime.
  8. God I hope its a mistranslation/misunderstanding.... but I did read a quote somewhere of Nasu saying in a interview he'd like it to "at least be an OVA" I don't know how real that quote was, as it was a second-hand translation out of context, but might show how he feels about Heavens Feel - would explain the utter resistance to adapt it up to now - even going so far as picking UBW a "2nd" time for adaption over it. But seriously, if it's a single movie *rage slowly starts to bubble*. I will pretty salty, needless to say lol... In the meantime, I should wactch the rest of ubw, now that I
  9. 1) Yes, both maze and garden will be Tl'd, due to the successful kickstarter. (really the only reason I backed it, was for those other two. heh) 2) No news since April, so hard to say. They are far enough long that I doubt it's dropped - but it could be in QA limbo.
  10. Just finished episode 12, figured I'd take a small break. So far I am not dissapointed. Character art is flawless, and they are mostly faithful to the VN as for story-telling and dialouge, with some nice additions. Music is pretty generic and boring however =/ (I didn't notice any signature themes at all? or perhaps I was too busy watching to notice ) But perhaps it'll pick up in the 2nd half. With all the obvious hints they've shown off about Sakura in Zero, and even in this current route, UFO better do a good job with Heavens Feel.
  11. 26? I remember being 26, long long ago. may the rest of the year treat you well. :D

  12. I have a feeling Grisaia bombed - at least in terms of short-term sales. Despite the huge amounts of backing through Kickstarter, one has to remember kickstarter funds do not equal total profit, unlike actual sales. If they're lucky, they might be breaking even. Which is too bad, I wanted it to do better - but Steam is just too full of plebs wanting cheap fanservice. If Clannad's launch ends up with a lukewarm response the way Grisaia did, I think it'll be safe to say crowdfunding is a pipe dream.
  13. Bleh, I'm a patient man... but not that patient. I'm guessing it's close to done? last time I peeked in on the news about the series, I saw a few snapshots of Is it all done? Or is there still an episode or two to go?
  14. Just bumped into this while checking status of projects: "I want to start work on Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. I've mained Aoko in Melty Blood for years and I've been wanting to do this project so much, I bought the game when it was released in Japan (lucky me, I happened to be in Tokyo at the time). BUT I talked to Bonzai about a patch, and it looks like he cannot extract the script files or make a patch without the decryption key for the game. If anyone can help with that, please comment here or email me. I'm really ready for something non-ero, non-swan to work on. And Sensei a best." -Loe Loe
  15. Ayakashibito was my personal favorite last year, tbh. Having Ataxia finally out was awesome, but at its core it was still just a fan disc~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  16. Two interesting tidbits: - Majikoi S almost done. And, can't read it, but apparantly they are doing something about nekopara and occulus rift - I approve, and shall test it. (for science.)
  17. AH, I thought Moogy was a more involved person in the project lol, just based on randomly reading tlwiki and his tweets. As for the status of Mahoyo, if it's still in that condition, then it means it hasn't budged for almost 12 months. Ah well, if I want it so bad I should just learn the language - or get a good texthooker~ EDIT: Nothing been said offially, but I suspect he's helping Sekai catch up to deadlines.
  18. Gahkthun incoming at some point this year or next~
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