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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. No and I don't care, they already did a good job with translating hoshimemo, they don't have to translate the fan disc as well. Sorry but these days I'm seriously annoyed by people who are complaining about translations or translation teams. They get those translation for nothing and are still conplaining about it, seriously, wtf?


    im telling u , i dont complain about the translation , it's just the reason for them not translating eternal hearts is just too stupid and disrespectful

  2. I dont think you can order them until you are 18.


    These prepaid ones you can get at the local store, you use it then throw it out


    damn , i can ask my mother's but she will want to know what im gonna buy......damn it , i cant wait 2 months...

  3. Yeah omi, Never trust ratings.


    Most people are idiots. People will rate a game down that's old, for the simple fact it has out dated graphics or tech.


    Doesnt change the fact it could be a classic, people will still say its crap.


    so u r saying moege fans r idiots?


    well , old VNs like F/SN is fine but others...mehh...

  4. http://www.the-two-malcontents.com/wp-content/uploads/2dloveB.jpg


    so.. this is me in the future eh? i thought old people doesnt go with eroge but.. this changed my mind.


    he's just like my future self the more i look at him..

  5. Yea, the angel was a good character, (didn't get to meet the other one) but I'd rather play my type of games.


    I'm thinking about just playing Canvas 2, do I need to play Canvas 1 beforehand? Is one better than the other? I don't have a lot of VNs under my belt and I wasn't planning on playing anything under an 8 rating on VNDB (because of how much I liked Hoshimemo and I was using that as a reference point; it's rated a bit above 8), but the more use that site, I see they favor the plot when rating and the ratings are usually harsh on moege and nukige, so I think I'll lower the standard..


    well yeah , people who favor the plot r usually dudes that have real life girlfriends or just want to kill time with reading , basically they just read VN , eroges like reading books , dont care about how moe the character is.

  6. Yea, I get that its a god game, but what exactly does that entail? Sorry, I should've been more specific. Haha, and no offense about the 2D thing, I just meant that the heavy level grinding wasn't worth it for someone like me who favors more concentration on 1 girl per a route instead of being rewarded with H-scenes.


    i see , well , it's a shame , u r missing alot of moe . basically , god eroge is an eroge that's too awesome , like a god.

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