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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. then get out of here...

    Amateur... 2D is not all about MOE...


    well , to be honest 2D is about Moe


    but we shouldnt call them stupid since there r ... fans here... i will just wait for the next round but if possible , i think kanade from angel beats here is the best.

  2. I can't install this game on my home PC... it gives me a Installation Error 1603 and my PC has always been set to Japanese Locale...


    Can I install this game on another PC then copy the installed/patched folder to my Flash Drive then save it on my PC?


    And if it's possible, why isn't anyone have uploaded their installed/patched game so that those who are having a bit problem installing it can just DL it and play it on the go?


    im sorry i cant help u but can u show me your PC screen? im really interested

  3. you're right man... but please, don't start an argument here...


    the same goes for you kami, please, don't start a fight here...


    don't get so worked up...

    or else, I'll assassinate you both (just kidding)...


    so im in the wrong here??? he's misunderstanding about my complain to staircase subs and he just said whatever he want and started insulting me . they called Hatsuyuki sakura OP shitty , thinks eternal hearts is some shitty nukige and even censored Mare in the game , im pissed bcuz of that, i do appreciate their translations but those attitudes towards eroges r just wrong,even as jokes

  4. These guys lose time translating for free, so you should just accept what they offer you and stfu.


    If you want more just go learn damn Japanese and after that you will be able to read that damn fandisc all you want.


    If your to lazy to try learning japanese, which for some reason i'm pretty that's the case then use AGTH or ATLAS.


    I'm seriously tired of peoples like you who always complain and never do anything by themself.When someone give you free stuff just accept it and stfu don't ask for more...


    god dammit u dumbass , im fine with them not translating eternal heats but their reason of not doing it piss me off, it's freaking disrespectful .im some1 who give a damn when they r looking down on eternal hearts and say it's all sex scenes and it's some boring nukige.



    and FYI i am learning japanese , just to play eroges , wtf is with your attitude??.

  5. dude..


    for once,,.

    will you chill down and take things that right way...

    at least..

    i've wrote a few mails to them for enquires..

    if you tell thme what you feel..

    at least they'll take things into consideration..

    other than ranting around here...

    do you think i dont care for Yume??!!!!

    how can i disregard such MOENESS????


    i didnt want to rant in the first place , and that cant be considered as a "rant" since im just being vague.

    translators r higher beings so i will just be a fag if i send complaints , beggers cant choose .


    Why do you all like Dracu-Riot anyways?


    cause it's MoeZ

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