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Status Updates posted by Kamidori

  1. im surprised u actually know Ancel , the pixiv goddess , i still have many more illustrators so u can ask me if u want some moe action

  2. it's more like u r just assuming things

  3. life used to suck but it's better now with my sora love pillow and vocaloid \o/

  4. masao , u want to watch it together with me and max?(maxar)

  5. masao , the 5th "heroine" in dracu riot ... i dont get it.... is she a????


    and your profile is full of moeness as always


  7. nah , we just stream on skype and watch it together

  8. naruhoto ne....well , im still not an otaku yet cuz i cant buy merchandise like dakimakuras , figurines.. but if u seek moe,i have plenty of good links so let me know if want to , though moe in eroges is still the best ....

  9. not a moe lover??? shocked O_O , im keeping my pixivs treasures!! tsunnnnnn

  10. oh Masao , i cant take this anymore..

  11. oh.. i didnt know that 1.. reminds me of bakemonogatari etc..

  12. pm me sometime on shooutbox , and sorry for the late message , internet lost connection for 2 days , wifi problems

  13. SB? wtf? what's this?


    well , if u really want to know what hunter thinks about me , just talk to him privately and u see

  14. so , can i ask u about these limitations? ( and btw , it was from boku wa tomodachi right> , good for u)

  15. so... why do u think breaking the law have anything to do with being a magician?

  16. thanks bro , a silver haired bishoujo family (or family-like) is pretty heart warming and awesome to look at

  17. the one that looks like a dude ,different eye colors

  18. the VN is too depressing + emo + sumika , lolz though i forced myself to finish it

  19. u have mishima kurone's illustrations?? nice!

  20. u r gonna translate sengoku hime???????????? nice man!!!! u've just become my hero!!!!!!!!!!!! ( which SH r u gonna translate?? i hope it's sengoku hime 3)

  21. u seriously joined that dammed loli hater group . and i dont find lolies pitiful at all if u get used to them(well some do make me feel bad) but mostly i find myself pitiful instead

  22. well , i just randomly appear in SB and lurk for interesting threads in the forum ,usually u can find me in the SB

  23. well , i talked to him yesterday , so i know that he understands me


    still, what's SB?

  24. well , it's a possibility so that's good too . i hope one of my out-of-reach eroge will be translated. i will give u my full support

  25. well ok , tell me when u r free , and i dotn really care if u cant write good english ,we r friends

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