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Posts posted by Kamidori

  1. and i hereby declare as a moe lover that u r just 70% wrong . u cant feel the story if the characters arent moe , it's more like the reverse that the story will go to waste if the artwork sucks.sorry but that's how eroge fans r like nowdays,ry making ugly characters in eroge and u can imagine the sale's rate of that in Japan,even if it has good story

  2. Innocent+pervert=impossible

    there's no such thing as an innocent pervert...




    nani??? i thought that's suppose to be = innovert


    well most people who bitch and complain about RL girls are the type that sits on their ass all day and never approaches girls

    i was once one of those wimps--never approaching a girlthinking they are too hot for me or better than me, but two failed unrequited loves and a failed oneitis made me realize that being a wimp won't get me girls...

    you know, girls even those hot ones are just people like you and me, they eat, talk, cry.smile and shit just like us

    the only thing is they DON'T LIKE wimps(nice guys AND jerks are both wimps), girls like REAL MEN, somebody they can rely on

    unfortunately the mass media has made men into wimps and put women on a pedestal..just look at all those anime

    watanuki in xxxholic is the best example of a wimp,just see how he acts around himawari, or another example is sunohara in clannad

    how you should be a man? well some think jerks are men..NO, jerks get laid easily but they can never sleep with a girl more than 3 nights..

    being a man means..thinking about ur dreams and putting women as a last priority...in other words GET A LIFE AND YOU'LL BE A MAN


    hope this makes kami and others think a little


    wow chill man ,im not complaining about real girls or that i cant get a girl , i dont want them in the first place,im a wimp ye but i've never had a need for a IRL GF,real girls r rjust there for RL , why should i even bother with them since i have 2D gals by my side , eroges + tissues?? u r missing the point here bro


    stop being wimps, u all like real girls, if u don't u r either a fag or not human...face it, a drawing done by some random fat asshole in a shit hole ain't gonna bring children and sex for you...


    ahh...that hurts,....so i not a human anymore ....and a fag(obviously not)...but hey , on the bright side , as some1 who doesnt want sex or children and love drawings(and would rather fap instead) im the most innocent dude in this forum!!!!!

  4. of course 2D girls . well , i dont really hate IRL girls u know , it's just IRL girls to me is just a human specie,i feel nothing from them,dont give a shit but 2D moe girls have become the true gals in my life,i feel happy,excited in many ways just by looking at them . well they r not real but who cares? if u cant accept that fact then u can never love 2D girls ,ever . well , i feel happy enough kissing my PC screen and fap in 2D land

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