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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. bonus: The winner of this game will receive an unique game key for steam or origin!



    Enjoy and be polite :)


    what am i doing? F....



    I i see what you did there!



  2. Rules:

    1)No double posting!

    2)No locking/closing/hiding/moving the thread to win.

    3)Post whatever you like, but you have to be sure, that the content you're posting is something others agree with!

    4)If there isn't a post after 48 hours, then the last person will win.


    Enjoy :)

  3. Microsoft ruined any possibility of comparison with Sony or Nintendo. I absolutely won't buy a Xbox One, and it's pretty obvious why. PS4 seems to be better in every aspect, also the price is cheaper!

    I guess you have to be a strong fanboy to still believe that Microsoft will win the next console war. The results are already clear, IMO.


    ^^ i agree with this


    Also back in the time that the Xbox 360 came out, there was more fans with the 360, than the PS3.


    Now the results today so far (with the new consoles) have turned to the opposite.

  4. Welcome everyone :p



    In this thread you can post your thoughts abut the games of E3 or E3 in general (or if you've been to E3)


    Enjoy :)


    My thoughts:



    The most of the upcoming games at E3 is really graphical and need high end pc's for them to work. But mostly i think that the Console platforms

    is a better idea to run all the details because It's more cheap.


    About the upcoming consoles:



    DON't BUY THE XBOX ONE, because You wont like the features. why? let me tell you


    1. some games WILL only work, if there's a (subscribed) network connection.

    2. If you get banned on the network , all you games that you play on the console will be blocked.

    3. other games Also requires Kinect (an expensive and shitty function for Xbox One) to play


    And other things i forgot to mention


    Just go for the PS4 until now, it supports CryEngine 3 and maybe the Unreal Engine 4. it's also cheaper than the Xbox One :p


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