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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Now it's my turn, isn't it.


    I've decided to post four images of my rig and my Pooter. My room i'm actually living in is a crib, that's why the pics is soo similar to a wooden house. The main house is somewhere else nearby.


    Note: plz ignore the fancy chair, it's not what you think...





  2. ~~The Best Of The Best Of The Very Best So Far:~~ (Except for me)


    Motherboard: (i'm not good at seeing the difference between Motherboards...)


    OS: Windows 7 Ultimeceate 64-Bit ( OneManArmy )


    CPU: Intel i5 3930 ( iLoveTsundere )


    Memory: 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance ( Also iLoveTsundere )


    PSU: Corsair TX Series 750w ( Ryu )


    GPU: GeForce GTX 680 ( iLoveTsundere Again! ) ( Geforce better than Gigabyte sry Ryu )


    HDD: 2x1TB Seagate SAS 15K RPM ( iLoveTsundere AGAIN!! )




    NOTE: Switch was disqualified because of his fake PC spec post!

  3. Motherboard : ASRock X 79 Extreme 11

    CPU : Intel i5 3930

    Memory : 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance (i know , 16 Gb RAM is overkill but i got it at a good price so.)

    PSU : Corsair 650TX V2 700W

    GPU : GeForce GTX 680 (though i am planning to get a 690 gtx , which is basically 2 680 GTX cards in a single PCB with a slight lower core clock. )

    HDD : 2x1TB Seagate SAS 15K RPM


    A GTX 680, and soon 2x680? that must be in SLI mode. The RAM doesn't matter that much though, only if you need to run a sh*tload of programs in a row.


    IF you buy another GTX 680 in SLI mode, I'll promise to do the same thing...

  4. Welcome to the PC specs thread. in this thread you can share you own PC specs on you system. That might include the GPU, RAM and the CPU and what you might want to show.


    How do i find my PC specs?


    1. Windows XP: Go to you start menu, then click RUN, and type dxdiag


    2. Windows Vista, 7 and 8: go to you blue orb in the left corner below in you screen, then use the Search box and type: dxdiag


    Note: dxdiag is a tool, witch shows all the information about you system.



    Feel free to as any questions about this thread and enjoy \o/


    My PC specs:



    Windows 7 Home Premium


    Intel® Core™ i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz


    8192MB RAM


    DirectX 11


    GeForce GTX 680 4042 MB (NVIDIA)


    1920 x 1080 Screen resolution (32 bit) (60Hz)


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