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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Dead Space 1 and 2 was a horror survival space shooter, Dead Space 3 is a space shooter. If you played previous games you certainly remember how impossible to kill necromoprhs were if you didnt aim for limbs, not to mention the heavy opressed climate and you having problems with ammunition and health packs(ok i didnt have problem with those:P). In Dead Space 3 ... sigh if we look at numbers attacking necromorphs body in DS1 and 2 was doing like 10 dmg when attacking limbs was doing like 150 dmg, in DS3 attacking body does like 50 dmg and attacking limbs like 70. Not to mention EVERY enemy (till 90% of game when black necros are starting to appear) die from 2 shots on normal and hard difficulty whether it was a limb shot or body shot... You know how some games try to be scary and fail at that? ITS NOT ONE OF THESE GAMES. They stopped trying to scare people, yes theres NOTHING scary in the friggin game. They didnt even try to make it scary. Forget about inventory managment, you cant upgrade it and you have shitload of space from start of the game not to mention medpacks... through whole game its normal for you to have at least 10 med packs. I could go on and on but thats enough. Game is seriously a waste of money(not to mention MICRO TRANSACTION INSIDE SINGLE PLAYER GAME). If you want to know more read THIS. I bought DS1 and 2 thank god i didnt have money to buy 3rd one...


    I understand the situation now, thanks for the info. I didn't bought the game either.


    ---You'e right, EA REALLY needs to scram---

  2. Yeah, i cant wait for the game. It has only two big minuses. Its called Origin and EA. Well i dont have anything against Origin tbh but there is a reason why EA got OFFICIAL AWARD OF Golden Poo. Not to mention after they fucked up Dead Space 3 im afraid of what will happen here...


    As long as Crytek is making the game possible, nothing will be ruined, not even EA (i guess?)


    another thing, what actually happened to Dead Space 3? :o

  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oD_-4z5vW4U/T6zXgd1rjqI/AAAAAAAAAzE/-OKcBAayJOk/s1600/crysis_3_logo_large.png


    By Fluffy


    since that nothing happens in the games lobby, i decided to make something like a preview of the game called 'Crysis 3' made By the Crytek and the Electronic Arts!


    here i go...



    Crysis, Crysis and Crysis again. All the time since the past six years, we've heard about a series, that is used to be the *best rated graphical game* and *The best looking shooter* in the times of these past years. Even still, the Crytek team never gives up.


    This time, they Are making something, that i though was impossible and never though that it was gonna happen.


    the Plotline:

    the Crysis 3 game is the Fifth edition of the Crysis series. It all begins in the year 2047 in the New York City with The guy called Alcatraz, that is still wearing the Prophet's Nanosuit version 2.0. The area around New York City is thick with vegatation and remains of dead Ceph technology. Meanwhile, a big large building called the Nanodome, that is created be CELL suddenly appears over New York City. The role that the Nanodome has, is to protect the city from any remaining Ceph forces, however, it will also keep any humans out in the area. It also solves the pollution problem from the Ceph technology. unfortunately, The last purpose the nanodome has, is for CELL's attempt to conquer the world through weapons and technology!




    The Characters:


    Prophet: He is the squad leader of the Raptor Team, he is the major character in all Crysis, Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 games.


    Psycho: He Joined the U.S. Army Delta Force. He is the Third Ranking guy of the Raptor Team behind Normand and Prophet.


    C.E.L.L.: means Crynet Enforcement & Local Logistics. CELL is the private military company and is a part of the Crynet Systems.


    The Ceph: Also called the Cephalopods. They are a group/race of advanced aliens, and They are hostiles towards the Humans and it also seems, that a war is upon both sides.


    The Weapons List:


    Sub-Machine Guns: Feline.

    Assault rifles: SCAR, Typhoon.

    Shotguns: Alpha Jackal, Marshall

    Snipers: DSG-1

    Sidearm weapons: the hammer II (pistol), the Majestic ?!

    Heavy weapons: HMG, MK. 60 Mod 0

    :o Explosive weapons: M17 Frag Grenade, Ceph Plasma, X-PAC

    Other: Compound Bow (like a boss)


    The Trailer:





    The City:
















    The Ceph:






    The dome:






    Last Words:


    The Game itself Has a Release date that will be Expecting in 19th February. The beta of the game is available on Origin for FREE, until the release date has passed!


    Random Spoiler?!



    Oh man, what sick graphics is it gonna be this time?! And that SuitMan is just gonna run around and play god or something? Incredible..





    theres a start!!




    Wow how did you do that?!

  5. My 6 hour download on Steam is utterly raping my internet, making such things as watching videos on YouTube impossible. Valve, in their infinite wisdom, decided to focus on such nonsense as boxing steams and taking big pictures, instead of implementing some sort of bandwidth capper.


    You can change the speed of you internet at the settings, that should do it..

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