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Status Updates posted by radiantmadness

  1. Thankies! Seems I found another Kara/Touko fan o// :D

  2. venuzuela? Hugo Chavez always makes me laught with his communist thingies:)

  3. well.... I started without patch myself (quite liked it then too).... and then found out about the patch suddenly while in the middle of ep.2 :S..... Soooooo, I throught: oh this is a nice extra! But after ep.4 I was too used to the patch and decided to wait.... and that's what I'm still doing.. I had many: 'ZENZEN DAMEDA ZEN!!!!! I'll start without it!!!!' kind of feels, but happy I waited after all this time now that release is close :D

  4. whahaha, I don't like her either but: Go Nagisa go! :D

  5. would have quit watching it already if I were, as long as it's not as bad as Boku no Pico it will be okay;)

  6. yeah:) My '07th expansion status' is: I watched the Higurashi anime and read the manga completly (this got me introduced to 07thexpansion) and in the VN I'm at tsumiboroshi-hen (the watergun scene).

    Umineko: the first 4 episodes finished and currently waiting for the ps3 umitweak patch to be released for Chiru. I don't mind the artwork but I got used to hearing the (absolutly splendid) voices in the first 4 episodes.... ZEN ZEN DAMEDDA ZEN!!!

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