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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Well it is the usual length of time taken to sub a game around that length but I'm sure the wait will be worth it.
  2. Eh if it's got Rie in it's pretty much guaranteed to be good , She's been in pretty much 10-20% of my favorites. OT: Looks like they're doing 200 words a day as to what their blog says, Hope they see the whole project through especially due to them having to lay off one of their artists/workers :/
  3. Weird, Older ones wouldn't be running Windows 7 with Multiple Backgrounds I wouldn't of thought o.O. Meh if you really want a good place to get anime wallpapers then try / - Konachan: Anime Wallpapers Updated probably every hour +, You want an anime wallpaper, They probably have 100+ for it ( Unless it was released lately ) They even have a mass collection of GameCG, For instance Hoshizora no Memoria : /hoshizora no memoria - Konachan: Anime Wallpapers 674 Images.
  4. My PC can handle a simple Background change quite easily, I run games smoothly even with it changing in the Background... I was even running one whilst taking those pics.
  5. Holy crap I didn't realize she voiced Alphonse in FMA, And I literally just finished watching the first season of it o.O, True Rie is probably one of the best VA I've heard as her voice truly fits Tsundere standards I was thinking this to, Partly why I'm happy that they're actually going to sub it, Now just to see if staircase see it all the way through.
  6. Few pretty standard ones, I have probably a folder with 1000+ pics in which changes my background every 10 minutes, I get pretty bored of looking at the same thing >_> http://puu.sh/sDpK http://puu.sh/sDrF http://puu.sh/sDrV http://puu.sh/sDs3 http://puu.sh/sDsn http://puu.sh/sDsF http://puu.sh/sDtf http://puu.sh/sDtt http://puu.sh/sDtT http://puu.sh/sDui http://puu.sh/sDuA http://puu.sh/sDuO http://puu.sh/sDvX Think I went abit overboard >_> Feel free to ask questions
  7. Weird, I thought they based it off the Manga rather then the Light Novels, although with both the Light Novels and the Manga they would clearly have enough material for another season but meh, Guess I should at it to the list of Great animes which never received a Second Season.
  8. Agreed, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka & Hidan no Aria are among some of my favorite animes, Although I'm sad to keep thinking that Hidan no Aria won't be getting a Season 2 just because it didn't sell enough BD, They left out so much from the manga as well that they could probably buff out another season or two..
  9. Chinami was annoying as fuck in my opinion, Annoyed me that I was forced to play her route just to get mares & "the true route", But other may of loved her to bits so everyone has a different taste I suppose.
  10. Quite calming plus it's the one I was listening to pretty much
  11. Game rewriting itself = A different thing everyday, basically there is no end to the game unless I wanted one. ( Which I wouldn't, Cus it's perfect. )
  12. That list was thought up in about 5 mins by me just glancing over my bookmarks but thanks
  13. Everything gets boring even if it's perfect because it's the same over again, that's why if the game continues to write itself that I'd never get bored of it because its a never ending stream of perfectism
  14. So in the last few months a few of my long loved animes have been ending ( Shakugan No Shana probably my fav ) I was looking into more anime and I've found a few newish ones of all sorts, Not sure if you know about them or not but I really enjoy some of these so I thought I would share them. Acchi Kocchi: Cute, Innocent and Funny. Acchi Kocchi (TV) - Anime News Network:UK Plus I just love Tsumiki Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu : Pretty funny considering how the main guy always gets misinterpreted Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts (TV) - Anime News Network:UK C3 ( CubexCursedxCuriou
  15. One of the traits of my Perfect game would be one which automatically writes itself, but as for the Game itself, I don't really have a perfect one, the only thing that stops me from liking a game for to long is that it would become boring so I'd stop playing it.
  16. I'm most looking forward to Eleanors Route tbh Eleanor Olegovna Owen, although you can view the list of Heroines on the vndb of it here : Dracu-riot!
  17. I remember being let down about this when I found it on vndb as it looked pretty nice but wasn't subbed and had heard no rumors of it being subbed either, then recently I was away from my PC for a bit, Came back and was looking through my bookmarks and decided to click the vndb bookmark I have (Dracu-riot! ), found out that it's currently being subbed by Staircase Subs ( The people that subbed Hoshizora no Memoria none the less - Website here: Dracu-Riot | Staircase Subs ), Currently as I post this it's on 700/53755 which may be a small amount but at least it's a start. What do you guys thi
  18. Great so they're in the game which they aren't going to sub...
  19. This^^ Some loli's are good and some aren't, I'm not a huge fan of H Scene loli's but the occasional one isn't bad as it's a change from Stupidly over sized breasted girls I suppose, Apart from when they put the over sized breasts on a loli then it just ruins it imo. If you say you're a loli to most people they'll just go "omg you think children are attractive you pedophile, Go crawl under a rock and die", I'm not a huge loli fan but I've seen 1 or 2 which are and see nothing wrong with that, every man to his own.
  20. Oh my god, Ty dude as that fixed it ( The game didn't feel complete with that stupid censoring ) Although The H scene didn't change my opinion that Mares was by far the best Route.
  21. Meh, finished the game and all routes, Enjoyed Mares by far and haven't even been able to see the H-Scene that everyones been fretting about due to the VN's censorship, Just brings me a picture of a dolphin every time I try to load one of the CG's for it, Tried every way of getting rid of them but yet they're always still there which kind of bums me out abit, Any ideas?, But I'm looking forward to trying Eternal Hearts.
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