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Visual Novels Translation Status [09/30/2012]

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I guess people already knew since the "Hebrew Lines" thing. Game looks good, downloading.


BTW, I'm downloading this one, this is the correct one I pressume.


NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Information >> [GIGA]DUEL SAVIOR JUSTICE DVD edition[3.53G] | Anime, manga, and music - Just say the word


Even if it says "Unkown", ithas a good amount of seeds (and leechers), so download it from there without worries.


I got myself this one, and it works fine. I didnt install the extra file/cd/whatever theres included

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Kinda confused on the patches.


There's the Über-Torrent patch, Justice Only patch, Additional Destiny Voices/Sounds patch.


What's the difference between the uber patch and the Justice only patch?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but we download Duel Savior Justice PC. Then the Uber Patch replaces the CG and voices with those from Destiny. NO SEX SCENE

So what's the benefit of playing Justice with Destiny patch instead of just playing the regular justice?

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Kinda confused on the patches.


There's the Über-Torrent patch, Justice Only patch, Additional Destiny Voices/Sounds patch.


What's the difference between the uber patch and the Justice only patch?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but we download Duel Savior Justice PC. Then the Uber Patch replaces the CG and voices with those from Destiny. NO SEX SCENE

So what's the benefit of playing Justice with Destiny patch instead of just playing the regular justice?


Better voices, instead of the harem end you get a different route and a lot more minor changes. Full list - Seiha Translations - View topic - Destiny vs Justice Changes

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Kinda confused on the patches.


There's the Über-Torrent patch, Justice Only patch, Additional Destiny Voices/Sounds patch.


What's the difference between the uber patch and the Justice only patch?


Uber patch has everything - Justice + destiny. You get to choose if you want to play the PC content or Ps2 content. Justice only patch is if you want to play the PC version only with no Ps2 content/voices.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but we download Duel Savior Justice PC. Then the Uber Patch replaces the CG and voices with those from Destiny. NO SEX SCENE

So what's the benefit of playing Justice with Destiny patch instead of just playing the regular justice?


You download the patch, and yeah, the Duel Savior Justice PC. If you download the Uber patch, you have the option of choosing if you want to play the PC (18+) or Ps2 (17+). Justice with Destiny patch = superior voice acting (half the cast from F/SN, kotomi from Clannad, etc), fade to black and bath sex scenes replaced with regular h-scenes (which a lot of people said that the h-scenes were terrible anyways), and maybe some clothing censorship. The 18+ has all h-scenes, but inferior voice acting.

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If you absolutely want to see H-Scenes, you can:


1- Create two separate game folders. One with +17 version and other with +18 version (Just copy n' paste.)

2- Download a 100% save (Thanks killer).

3- Put the 100% save on the +18 folder to unlock all h-scenes.

4- While playing the +17 version when you reach a H-scene. Open the +18 version, watch it and close it.

5- Repeat for all h-scenes and fap away.

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I read some comments at seiha and from my understanding it works like that:


You can play the justice (R18) version WITH PS2 Destiny (R17) voices.

When you reach a H scene in justice mode the ps2 voices will be replaced by the pc voices.


Aroduc: "If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa."

Meaning: H scene -> PS2 voices aren't available -> PC voices will replace them -> H scene over -> PS2 voices again


I haven't test it myself, but I will play it like that and report if it really works.

It could take a while because I will not skip the game to test it, but I think in that time someone else might confirm it. ^^

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I read some comments at seiha and from my understanding it works like that:


You can play the justice (R18) version WITH PS2 Destiny (R17) voices.

When you reach a H scene in justice mode the ps2 voices will be replaced by the pc voices.


Aroduc: "If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa."

Meaning: H scene -> PS2 voices aren't available -> PC voices will replace them -> H scene over -> PS2 voices again


I haven't test it myself, but I will play it like that and report if it really works.

It could take a while because I will not skip the game to test it, but I think in that time someone else might confirm it. ^^


Would be great if it worked like that. I would test it, but don't have much time these days. It would a bit odd if the voice just changed in some parts, but it's better then having the crappy seiyuu all the time :>

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I read some comments at seiha and from my understanding it works like that:


You can play the justice (R18) version WITH PS2 Destiny (R17) voices.

When you reach a H scene in justice mode the ps2 voices will be replaced by the pc voices.


Aroduc: "If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa."

Meaning: H scene -> PS2 voices aren't available -> PC voices will replace them -> H scene over -> PS2 voices again


I haven't test it myself, but I will play it like that and report if it really works.

It could take a while because I will not skip the game to test it, but I think in that time someone else might confirm it. ^^


If you replace only the voices, I would guess that it would be ps2 voices in most scenes and then no voices during h-scenes, because you are replacing the pc voice file with the ps2 voice file, so the game cannot access the pc voices for h-scenes, as they are not in the file.


(so ps2 voices where available, and no voices elsewhere)

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Yeah it works.. I skipped all the game till the bath scene with my hand covering my eyes so I wouldn't spoiled myself..

After the scene ended I compared the voices using the backlog and there is a difference between the little ero scene in the bath and the scene afterwards.


So you can play it like that with H scenes (but horrible voices, I could hear it ^^) and still keep the ps2 voices at the story

Destiny voices ALL THE TIME expect H scenes -> Justice voices. I think Aroduc designed it like that so the game has access to both files

Edited by Eternal1983
some typos
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Yeah it works.. I skipped all the game till the bath scene with my hand covering my eyes so I wouldn't spoiled myself..

After the scene ended I compared the voices using the backlog and there is a difference between the little ero scene in the bath and the scene afterwards.


So you can play it like that with H scenes (but horrible voices, I could hear it ^^) and still keep the ps2 voices at the story

Destiny voices ALL THE TIME expect H scenes -> Justice voices. I think Aroduc designed it like that so the game has access to both files


Yep, just as a second confirmation.. this does work. You can use the superior voice acting and still get the h-scenes.. once the h-scenes come up, the voice acting switches to the inferior version. So you can have superior voice acting + h-scenes.


Hmm, I scanned the Duel Savior Complete Patch with Avira and Duel Savior.exe was flagged. So is this false positive?


Yeah. Shouldn't worry about anything Aroduc releases. You can just ignore it.

Edited by desi
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