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Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai, is not a very good anime imho.

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I did not enjoy this series as much as I thought I would. I have recently finished watching the all 16 episodes of the anime. Overall, I find the series quite interesting, and I was glued to my seat on each episode. I was particularly impressed with how these guys actually managed to come up with 16 ending theme songs.


The characters were well thought out, and the plot was quite okay. But when I look deeper, past the comedy, past the realistic slice-of-life situations, and past how the show attempts to wow us with yet another one of Kirino's super-human achievements, all I am looking at, is a guy with an almost non-existent personal life of his own. Compared to a certain someone, he has no hobbies, no achievements, no friends of his own which he frequently hangs out with, except for one, whom he tries to stay as friends with, and apparently, no activities of his own.


While it didn't start out so, as the story progressed, I find that the main character lives his entire life dedicated to a larger-than-life sister, and makes his life choices and decisions entirely based on her expectations. It was painful and agonizing to watch.


On one hand, you have a sister who has good grades, is athletic on a competing level, has a modelling career, has an active social live, and even has time to maintain a secret hobby.


On the other hand, you have a brother who has no achievements, and no known ambitions or aspirations. He has no known hobbies, and doesn't spend time on the net. Does he read? Does he fly kites? What does he do with his time besides taking a drink from the refrigerator? I can count his own friends with two fingers. All of his other friends seem to have been made because of his sister, or his kouhai. Does this guy even exist for himself?


The truth is, I don't dislike this main character. In fact, compared to most manga and anime main characters that I've seen, Kyosuke actually has a brain inside his head, and he does have some minor degree of backbone, which by the way, happen to be traits lacking in many male leads. Also, he doesn't have some hyper-active hormone driven urges, like some male leads do.


So in short, I actually like this guy. But this main character, is still just too painful to watch. Each episode I watch, I kept thinking to myself. Doesn't he have any pride in himself? Isn't he going to stand up for himself instead of for his sister? For once in his life, can't he try to fight for his own sake, and try to achieve something for his own self? Doesn't he have a dream or an aspiration?


I personally want to see how the main character deals with his complex. No, I'm not talking about siscon. I'm talking about inferiority complex. He grew up beside an over-achieving sister, and his family paid more attention to her than him. He's not invisible, but he comes quite close. How does he cope with that? By choosing to not give a damn about it? All I see is an honorary mention of these feelings in Episode 8, and they are never again brought up. Buried and gone for good.


I'm not looking at a real person. I am looking at a fairy-godmother Onii-chan that leads a dependent existent on the imouto. Created for her sake, and doesn't live for himself.


If I could overlook this aspect, then I really would have enjoyed this series, a lot.

Edited by mechgouki
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While it didn't start out so, as the story progressed, I find that the main character lives his entire life dedicated to a larger-than-life sister, and makes his life choices and decisions entirely based on her expectations. It was painful and agonizing to watch.


Actually, the light novel vol. 11 and the upcoming vol. 12(final one) focus on Kyousuke's personality quite a bit and you find out why he's just the plain boring guy. It's nothing GRAND, but you get some insight about it. Saying any more would be a spoiler, if you stick around for the 2nd season may see it animated, hopefully.

Edited by killerinsidee
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Actually, the light novel vol. 11 and the upcoming vol. 12(final one) focus on Kyousuke's personality quite a bit and you find out why he's just the plain boring guy. It's nothing GRAND, but you get some insight about it. Saying any more would be a spoiler, if you stick around for the 2nd season may see it animated, hopefully.


ohhh thats sounds interesting , looking forward to season2 even more now!

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ohhh thats sounds interesting , looking forward to season2 even more now!


Yep, IF they animate it. Season 1 with the special episodes is up to vol. 5 of the novel, so they may animate vol. 6-12 if we're lucky. Do note that vol. 12 is not out yet (it will be out in 3-4 months) and it's also the final novel. So they may actually pull a "Toradora", which means that the last novel will come out / end at the same time as the anime. That's the best case scenario.

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Yep, IF they animate it. Season 1 with the special episodes is up to vol. 5 of the novel, so they may animate vol. 6-12 if we're lucky. Do note that vol. 12 is not out yet (it will be out in 3-4 months) and it's also the final novel. So they may actually pull a "Toradora", which means that the last novel will come out / end at the same time as the anime. That's the best case scenario.


i kinda remember Gosick being like that too , the last volume came out and the anime ended the same time as well.

(i also remember from somewhere saying there will be a season 2 in next year, i will go check it out...)

Edit: i found it ! oreimo-2nd-season-promo-video-and-ad-reveals-main-staff , its gona air next spring season!! which means April , cant wait XD

Edited by higguy
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So in short, I actually like this guy. But this main character, is still just too painful to watch. Each episode I watch, I kept thinking to myself. Doesn't he have any pride in himself? Isn't he going to stand up for himself instead of for his sister? For once in his life, can't he try to fight for his own sake, and try to achieve something for his own self? Doesn't he have a dream or an aspiration?


I personally want to see how the main character deals with his complex. No, I'm not talking about siscon. I'm talking about inferiority complex. He grew up beside an over-achieving sister, and his family paid more attention to her than him. He's not invisible, but he comes quite close. How does he cope with that? By choosing to not give a damn about it? All I see is an honorary mention of these feelings in Episode 8, and they are never again brought up. Buried and gone for good.


I'm not looking at a real person. I am looking at a fairy-godmother Onii-chan that leads a dependent existent on the imouto. Created for her sake, and doesn't live for himself.


If I could overlook this aspect, then I really would have enjoyed this series, a lot.



I can't say i understand your feeling but i think knew your feeling to Kyousuke :3, well actually from my point of view, his life is that exact moment, the interactions with his sister and his sister's friend, well that's it, and he has his existence, life, and achievement, how come you overlook that, that point when he struggle to keep his sister safe and happy, and his sisters's friend though.


His sister is nothing without him, well Kirino is pretty much a strong girl, but without Kyousuke, she might be broken down already, Kyousuke is strong, loved by many, and he does have a hobby, watching some indecent stuff :3


ups i think you need to put "spoiler alert" in the thread title.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I can't say i understand your feeling but i think knew your feeling to Kyousuke :3, well actually from my point of view, his life is that exact moment, the interactions with his sister and his sister's friend, well that's it, and he has his existence, life, and achievement, how come you overlook that, that point when he struggle to keep his sister safe and happy, and his sisters's friend though.


His sister is nothing without him, well Kirino is pretty much a strong girl, but without Kyousuke, she might be broken down already, Kyousuke is strong, loved by many, and he does have a hobby, watching some indecent stuff :3


ups i think you need to put "spoiler alert" in the thread title.


Overlook what? You don't seem to get it. The point was he wasn't living for HIMSELF. He was living for someone else, and that I saw very clearly. His achievement was someone else's happiness, not his own. You completely missed my point even though you quoted me.


And, no, he doesn't have any hobby of watching indecent stuff. Most of these acts were encouraged by Kirino, and he regards playing erogames etc as a chore. He does have some magazines on girls with glasses though.


I tried, I couldn't edit the topic title....

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