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Everything posted by Bakahou

  1. i read the manga and played the traslated parts of the game, and yea i hope it is out soon. :3

  2. thanks xD i like your background alot too, majikoi ftw!

  3. can i get invited to the shoutbox pirates? :D

  4. Happy Birthday!!

  5. For me it was Sengoku rance and koihime
  6. i want to like your .gif under the reply, but i can't xD

  7. i was ALMOST caught while playing koihime lol... i was on full screen and in a sex scene, and my mom walked in.... so all i did was right click to move it to the menu screen lol... scared the crap out of me
  8. Toriko ending 3 is surprisingly good [video=youtube;A03exNw8-rA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A03exNw8-rA&list=LL4vkLBAbNi83utELfIZ15mw&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  9. I have like 20 wall papers rotating every 10 seconds Using WallPaper Slideshow LT all are vocaloids lol. here's 5, since that's the maximum amount you can post.
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