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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. guys I need help, I opened my deardrops, appear to my window, Then just black screen with sounds I heard even on the menu...i really need your help guys... i already updated my codecs but still not working..... T_T[ATTACH=CONFIG]3866[/ATTACH]


    This is typically a codec compatibility problem. The best thing you can do to avoid this altogether is to have a separate partition (or computer) for your VN’s.


    If that’s not an option, uninstall all codec packs/media player. It will work… but you won’t be able to watch movies on your PC until you reinstall them, and that will ruin your VN’s again.

  2. You forgot to mention that Kyou's and Ryou's Route are practically inexistent in the Anime.


    Well, the anime followed Nagisa's route since it was her who had the true route. Some scenes from the other routes were included in the anime as well but Nagisa's route was the main one.

  3. Haven't read nor watched the anime...which one is better to read/watch first? the anime or the vn? Are there any differences?


    The VN and the anime are almost practically the same but I would still prefer you finish the VN first before you watch the anime. There are some parts in the anime that you wouldn't understand if you haven't played the VN yet (especially those balls of light).

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