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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. It was interesting. The story becomes more serious. I just hope it doesn't maintain the seriousness for 70+ chapters like TWGOK...


    I'm starting to like the Hayate x Athena pairing as well. Now I'd rank the pairings as so:


    1. Hayate x Athena

    2. Hayate x Izumi

    3. Hayate x Hinagiku

    4. Hayate x Maria

    5. Hayate x Isumi


    ....Nagi is considered a loli right?


    I'm glad to see someone who thinks that Athena and Hayate is the best pairing in the series.

  2. I think what I would have to do is take a polling from one media(I'd suggest VN's for this forum, since adding in anime, manga, and everything else just makes the numbers a bit overwhelming.) and then pick a handful of the main characters from each, and shuffle up the listing until I had a good tournament bracket. Then vote and move into closer brackets until you get to the final best of whatever date/genre/media thing.


    That tournament bracket you are talking about would be applied during the next round (quarterfinals). It's true that it would be much easier for the members to choose who they will nominate if I limit it only to a specific genre but I would like to see how it will go if I generalize it.

  3. no..



    never mind..

    you all dont understand how lovely she is..

    komomo&kosame pairing...

    there's no way im gonna split them apart..

    after all..

    i want 3P like what kosame suggested~[ATTACH=CONFIG]3371[/ATTACH]


    Okay, so where did those two come from? Also, I recommend you choose one first for the second phase and then pick the other one for the third phase. Only one can survive elimination afterwards after all... There would be a chance for those two to be together once the preliminary round is finished if this was done.

  4. OMG







    I hate you. :D


    On topic though I literally love this Anime, For once a nice and clean innocent Romance but at the same time is has it's dirty sides ( As does everything that is Japanese ), I can't wait to see if Miniwa actually does confess to Io as it would be perfect.


    Sorry, I just can't find a thread of its own in the Anime Lobby and I decided to create one myself.

  5. Yeah... too much fan service sometimes ruin the characters' "body proportion" which makes it look bad...


    I've seen a lot of those and to tell you the truth, they usually discourage me on continuing on with the series they were in.

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