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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. The final nominee has now been decided. The Preliminaries have now ended. The Quarterfinals have now began.


    The match-ups were selected via a random sequence generator.


    The first quarterfinals match-up would be between Misaki Ayuzawa and Mashiro Mito.


    The first quarterfinals match has now started.

  2. btw, here are some of my specs... windows xp service pack 2, directx10, nvidia geforve TNT 2 , 512mb of ram.. 32mb video card.... VERY poor T_T ... but i can still play vn properly...


    From what I can deduce, I think the problem here is your video card. You should at least upgrade it to 512 mb and above.


    Deardrops is a pretty much still a new game so it also requires a better video card.

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