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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. Hello. A quick intro here


    Favorite Movie: Return of the Jedi

    Favorite Band: Rammstein

    Favorite Game: Demon Souls

    Favorite T.V Show: Scrubs

    Favorite Eroge: School Days because of the funny endings.


    If you have any inquires about my self please don't hesitate to ask.


    Hello there. Welcome to the site. If ever you need any help, please don't hesitate to consult us.

  2. Guess so. And I guess it was kinda a given that tsunderes are popular lol. I mean they are just winning by a landslide compared to the other types.


    I've known so many tsunderes that I already lost count of it. It seems that a lot of the popular series' heroines are of the tsundere type so it's understandable.

  3. i really respect the old dude here so dont talk bad about him , nemu should be proud that there r dedicated people like him


    That's one way to look at it. Though it would have been better if Nemu was wearing clothes... not only her lingerie.

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