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Everything posted by stkrge

  1. seems to me kkinda weard!
  2. Black_Lotus says can't find my problems. Looks like people don't have any full screen problem for Eternal Lovers. BTW i try to register at seiha but i don't know the answer for "Who runs this place?:". Maybe i can ask there for help good luck with this
  3. thats right mr Beef everybody may requested what they wanted after all!
  4. i found your request only here Download Kaizokuhime Marena [RPG][English] Eroge - Only Hentai Games
  5. if everything notl work for you change your windows to win7
  6. you may read koihime musou series shera my witch gosplay alien
  7. https://i.imgur.com/RpMDOLi.jpg[/img]"]
  8. There is even a list for untranslated games https://erogegames.com/japanese-games-list-303/ i know this pasa
  9. let try it this one interval key + alt and see what happend then
  10. https://i.imgur.com/eEAG6eW.jpg[/img]"]
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