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Everything posted by stkrge

  1. Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome only left 6 days!
  2. dan look this tread Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms - 18+ Edition https://vndb.org/r35004 its tba for now!
  3. only package edition its releised and is 18+!
  4. seikai reliesed this crap https://vndb.org/v18849
  5. this high quality staff make problems if you dont have enought powerfull video card high difinitions!
  6. Girls Love Only Lesbian Heroine Shoujo Ai Homosexual Protagonist Female Protagonist
  7. http://i.imgur.com/cjwl8Mk.jpg[/img]"]http://i.imgur.com/cjwl8Mk.jpg
  8. http://i.imgur.com/DEi7eQu.jpg[/img]"]http://i.imgur.com/DEi7eQu.jpg
  9. yes this vn is super we wait for upload now!
  10. yes an englsih reliese someone have to sent to Ivan his copy to upload it here later !
  11. we not have a chance to play this game for that reason Charls requested this!
  12. stkrge

    Yo-Jin-Bo The Bodyguards

    darkness 23 says: love this game so much, so much fun to play, the characters are amazing to. i Agree 100%!
  13. for this game has update patch School Days HQ | Eroge Download patch 1.02
  14. http://i.imgur.com/gYpz8w2.jpg[/img]"]http://i.imgur.com/gYpz8w2.jpg
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