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Everything posted by TakiMinase

  1. Okay, that gives us more detail First of all, you grabed the release from ErogeDownload, right? I have the same one and it has no corrupted data so this is something related to the specific machine you are running on ... I don't see a reason why this VN would require compatibility mode running with Win XP and so on, I never had to do that for Kirikiri VNs ... I just tried running the game again and it works, launches perfectly, right after extraction ... But I don't have a Win 8 machine to test it on sadly It's definitively a problem related to locale, I just checked on the net that error
  2. I am using Win 7 and had no problems ... I really can't tell what's going wrong ... Looking at the second screenshot you posted, it mentions ASCI and Unicode problems so it's a problem related to it ... For more detail I would need a translation of the japanese error message ... Do this ... Launch the game and then press "CTRL+C" when the error message pops up (it will copy the japanese error message to clipboard) and then go to Google Translate and set from Japanese to English translation and then press "CTRL+V" to paste the copied message to the blank space ... and then give me the transl
  3. Kirikiri VNs don't need installation, they don't need registries to make the game work, I know because I have tested many of these VNs and it never requires installation ... Just grabing files and putting them all in the same folder should always work ... What OS are you using? By the screenshots I think it's Win 8? But could be even Win 10?
  4. Did you try full locale changing? Through Control Panel, not applocale? Some VNs don't work with applocale and you must change locale through Control Panel.
  5. charlbeef, you ain't gonna play it at all, it's an all-ages otome VN xD
  6. You are assuming that it's a "he"? Maybe it's a "she"
  7. I like the art of this VN Anyways, about Re:Birthday ... many fan-TLed VNs don't have translated menus, if the core meat of the VN is translated, I have no problem with reading it with untranslated menus xD
  8. Mhm, I see ... But we did have at least one release this week For example, this VN: https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=906897
  9. Maitetsu cover just because it's at 100%? I thought you usually posts covers from VNs that are released in the week of your post xD
  10. Another OELVN kusoge and a kusoge developer ... Ivan, you should have picked a different job indeed xD
  11. I remember downloading this VN back in the day and then deciding not to burn it on DVD ... I think it was due to this VN being written originally by Romeo who likes to use complex japanese sentence structures and I think he uses a poem writing style ... so Ixrec's translation of this VN was seriously flawed but I guess you could enjoy it nonetheless even with not-so-correct translation ... As for Towers of Friends patch, if I remember correctly, I never figued myself how to use it xD I didn't read Cross Channel but I will one day, with it's not-so-perfect translation
  12. Nope, ony partial patch exists: https://vndb.org/v777
  13. Oh, an H-RPG based on Fallout? Will try it when I get the time xD
  14. Tried to look it up, yeah, you are right, but apparently, there's not a single update about these sequels ... Not a single mention of when they will come out or are they even developed at the moment, their KS isn't saying anything and they still didn't even give the physical copies the backers wanted xD Well, LizArts acts just like their publisher Sekai Project ... I will not be surprised if the Memory's Dogma: CODE 02 and 03 never see the light of day xD ... Also, just saw this VN now ... Looks somewhat decent xD
  15. When will you remove Memory's Dogma from the list? It has been months since its release xD
  16. you have some VNs with modern art pre-2010 ... but there aren't many of those ... anyways, I'd love to see more dark VNs ... not enough dark VNs out there Give us more dark stuff and less moeges
  17. Why 2010+ only? You think there are no good VNs with good HCG before 2010?
  18. Yeah, good job, might pick it up one day xD
  19. Not RIP yet ... the individual teams should still be alive, just no more under Luna TL umbrella ... We'll probably get an update at some point
  20. Luna TL is no more xD https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/14027-majo-koi-nikki-translation-project/?do=findComment&comment=445182
  21. I don't doubt it will pop out eventually on Sukebei nyaa
  22. https://www.nutaku.net/games/download/chronoclock/ Somebody with 40$, we need you
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