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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. So far, this game is actually readable despite the MTL tag.


    I'm still in the prologue of this game, so everything I say is tentative, but this game appears to be a chronological sequel to Knights of Messiah. Several characters are mentioned by name. I have no idea if they will make an appearance at any point, this game and that one do seem to exist in the same world.

  2. On 2/29/2024 at 5:07 AM, Vulkandrache said:

    Ive had multiple Eushully games in which the several hundred saveslots werent enough.

    Several HUNDRED save files? May I suggest going to consult a doctor about Obsessive/Compulsive disorder?

  3. I've encountered a game crashing bug and am seeking help. I've started a proper thread in the tech support section of the main forum:


  4. Oy! What does one game need with 128 save slots?! I can appreciate having ten, or even twenty, to give you lots of "check point" saves, but will anyone ever have a serious use for even 40 slots?

  5. Surprisingly, the machine translation on this title isn't horrible. Mind you, it's far from perfect, but still easily readable. The biggest screw ups I've seen in the early parts of the game seem to be less issues of translation and more quality control on the original design. When I found "hidden" items in a barrel and rose bush, in both instances the game said I found a "potion" but that's not what got added to my inventory.


    The other error had to do with traveling on the world map. When I selected the first town, it game me a yes/no prompt asking if i wanted to go the forest I just left. I still ended up in the town, not the forest.


    These errors make me think the problem is not so much with the translation as with original Japanese (presumed original language) version of the game. Does the original Japanese say "potion" and "forest" in the same places?

  6. Either machine translation technology has improved dramatically since I last tried a title that used it, or some body has done a half-way decent job of editing the translation.


    Either way, this title, while far from perfect, is entirely readable. You'll need to pay attention to situation context in a few places to mentally correct pronoun usage, but this is not unreadable by any means.


    Full disclosure: I'm still on my first play through, and am currently playing an innocent route. It's possible that later in the game or on a non-innocent play through, the quality of the translation takes a serious nose dive.

  7. @Henta20

    I didn't say YOU where the one criticizing the VN. You, by you admission, haven't read any of this VN.


    I was just pointing out that as of the two (now three) chapters that I've read, those who actually read and were criticizing it where the ones in the wrong. Also, a mark against those criticizing individuals, the translators did this for free on their own time. They should be happy with what they get. Unless it's horrendous to the point of unreadable, they need to shut their traps.

    • Like 1
  8. Now that I've been reading this title for a while, for what it's worth, here is my updated take on the "translation" since some people seem to have concerns about it.


    First, a disclaimer: I don't speak, write, or read Japanese, so I can't actually speak to the quality of the "translation" at all. All I'm really speaking to is the quality of the English product I'm reading.


    I've played through what I believe to be the first two "Chapters" of this title. I'm defining the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next by (technically a minor spoiler, and I'm only 90% certain about my definition of a chapter) ...


    the points where the game actually goes out of its way to ask you if you want to save with a "yes/no" prompt.

    ...as these seem to be major branching points in the story.


    Through out the first two chapters, I've found the text to be entirely readable. I've encounter only one instance of a jumbled line, but it is still easy to comprehend what it was trying to say. Given that it was the only instance, in two whole chapters, I'm personally inclined to forgive the screw up entirely under the "nobody is perfect, you can proof read something a dozen times and still not catch every mistake" clause of being a good person. If any additional mistakes through out the rest of VN are essentially no more frequent than that, then on the whole, I would have to call this a quality translation effort so far and the people who criticizing it are being hypersensitive perfectionists at best or elitist pricks at worst.


    While It is still possible the quality takes a nose dive in later chapters, assuming that it doesn't and stays at the high quality level I've seen so far, the "quality of the translation" is not a reason to stay away from this VN.

  9. I only just made it past the portion before the opening movie plays, which is a fairly lengthy prologue. I'm enjoying it so far. I don't speak Japanese, so I can't vouch one way or the other for the "translation", but I've seen nothing objectionable so far about the writing in terms of grammar or consistency. If you told me this was an English VN from the get go, I would have no evidence to contradict that.

  10. Getting this game to run in full screen might take a bit of tweaking. Here's what I had to do.


    -Right click on BGI.exe and open the properties window.

    -Under the Compatibility Tab, check the box for "Disable fullscreen optimizations"

  11. As the Time Stamper, even if I'm retired, I'm calling a time-stamping foul! This title was not posted "4 hours ago" (as of when I wrote this post). I happened to be online and browsing the site when it was uploaded. It was upload, at most, 15  minutes ago.

  12. It presumably already is in English. Look up near the top of this page, find the line with the date "September 9, 2021" and look to the right. You'll see a tag that mentions English as an option. Some of the screen shots are in English as well.


    Most, if not all, of the titles on this site are in English or have a patch file available on the same page. As I have not played this title, I can not claim with 100% certainty that it is in English, but I would be very surprised to find out it isn't.

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