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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Even in Kamidori i didnt bother completing the crafting list.


    Kamidori was not nearly this bad.


    Building one everything is hardly the problem. It's building 5 or more of things that require EXTREMELY rare items to just finish the upgrade process, and then 2 or more additional pieces so you can outfit you party. Combine that with the fact you'll need several instances or extremely rare drops from enemies that are obnoxiously located or just flat out rare for farming purposes, and I want to slap a few game designers around. Oh, and let's not forget the way save scumming is only marginally effective for farming purposes, given how the game seems to generate a list of random numbers in advance of actually needing them and then pulling from the list so if you save and reload, you still get the same results. (Granted, anti-save scumming designs are fair game in a general sense for game designers, but not when they make resource farming this obnoxious.)


    It's possible that if I advance further into the game, I'll find better farming locations, but I don't want to advance further until I've maxed out everything I can.


    Then there is the farming of monsters themselves for the upgrading of the summon-able units. In and of it self, that's not too tedious, but it's just extra aggravation when combined with above farming for resources.



  2. I'm not really sure this actually qualifies as a spoiler, but I figured it would use the spoiler tags anyways.


    This pertains to the game play, NOT the story.



    The crafting system in this game is down right sadistic in terms of numbers of resources required to build everything. To be fair, if your just looking to play through the story and aren't a perfectionist, you can probably get away with a fraction of the grinding I'm having to do in order to collect all the necessary resources, but if your looking to get everything powered up to the highest levels, expect to do a LOT of grinding.


    Most of the weapons, armor, and accessories have their own level. In order to raise that level, you have to break down other equipment to collect the upgrade materials used to level up your equipment. The sheer number of upgrade materials needed, and by extension, the number of spare pieces of equipment you need to make to break down for those upgrade materials, is absurd.


    The only mitigating factor is that you don't level up individual instances of each piece of equipment. Once you level up "Weapon A" to level two, ALL of your "Weapon A"s are level two, and any future "Weapon A"s you make will already be at level two.


    In my opinion, this is a clear case of nobody associated with the making of the game actually sitting down and playing it.


  3. I'll give this one a try once I'm done with my current reading list, but I have to say, looking at the pictures on vndb, the art style is pushing limits a bit. Maybe I'm strange for saying this, but when the heroine's breast are too large, it's a turn OFF, not a turn on. I'm more curios about how the women can stand upright without their spines breaking in two rather than how much I want to get my hands on that.

  4. Point of note regarding the backstory of the game: The above description reads "It turned out that it was a dorm where only women live in". The game itself is not entirely clear about this, but it does not appear to be a girls only dorm that a guy somehow ends living at, but a dorm that only had women residents by coincidence. The fact that a guy ends up living their is totally above board and not an over used cliche.

  5. ANOTHER story that should never have been written.


    Also, the "family head" needs to be castrated with a dull knife over the course of hours, and then shove the removed bits down his throat so he suffocates on them. In the event the "family head" is a woman, I recommend and equally gruesome fate, though I do not know exactly what would qualify.

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