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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. I'm hardly an expert in music, but one of the sound tracks in this VN given the title "Oath" sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure I've heard pieces like it in other games, though I can't actually name any of the top of my head. Is it based of of some famous piece of music? If so, does anybody know what it is?



    MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN REGION SETTINGS ARE SET TO U.S. ENGLISH! (Or at least not Japanese. Other English region settings may or may not work.)


    I typically leave my computer set to Japanese because it 99.9% of the time it doesn't negatively effect anything and some VN's require it, even when they are the official English release. Point in case, the VN Study Steady, also made by the company Marmalade, the company behind this VN, was one such instance of the English version having issues when your region settings weren't set to Japanese (that may or may not have to do with the fact we are using a pirated version with a crack file to bypass the DRM, I don't have enough of an understanding to say why for certain). This title falls into the 0.1% case that it actually needs your region settings specifically on English (again, may or my not be due to pirated/cracked version).


    When playing on Japanese region settings, several things do not "save" between play sessions. The VNs settings (i.e. Full screen versus windows, volume controls for individual characters etc.) always reset to the default when you start up the next time. The gallery (where you can review CG's and H-scenes) keeps emptying out. "Read" text becomes "Unread" text in relation to the skip command.


    Your actual save files persist, but will only work while in the region settings your computer was under when you made the save. I.E., my files aren't showing up now that my computer is running in English mode, but I assume they'll show up again when I next switch my computer Japanese again.



    I would like to request you add a brief footnote to the description area above noting that you specifically NEED English regions settings for this title. (I "edited" this post once to fix a few typos and grammatical errors. If that created a double flag from "at"Ivan command, I apologize.)

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/15/2022 at 10:46 PM, Black_Lotus said:


    It's a bot or just a general purpose A-hole. Hover your mouse pointer over the default "R" avatar image (don't click) and you'll get a pop up showing that it's a new account created just the other day with only a single post.


    I just reported it, so there's a non-zero chance Ivan will have removed it before you see this.

  4. So why is not JC the fifth Heroine? I just finally completed the (long ass) common route and she is no minor character that only shows up for a handful of scenes. Given that start, I could readily see her being given her own route.

  5. Edit: January 18th, 2020 7:38 AM EST

    This title specifically needs English region settings on you PC to work properly. It will still run on Japanese but encounters several non-game-breaking annoyances if you do so. See two posts down for my full explanation of why.


    To anyone else reading this, am I right in thinking that reference to phantom thieves stealing hearts during the scene where the protagonist meets the character Jake Honjo is a reference to the game Persona 5?


    (Side note, I THINK the for mentioned scene is still in the common route, but there is a non-zero chance it is in Raiha Raikkonen's route. I'm still in my first play through so I'm not absolutely sure about that yet.)

  6. 21 hours ago, Black_Lotus said:

    There's a Infidelity tag for this VN? I Thought White Album is pure romance story 

    (I meant to quote you with the above post so you got the notification telling you there was a reply. I forgot, sorry.)

  7. It's hidden behind the spoiler settings, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but I don't think the "infidelity" tag should be considered a spoiler, except in the sense it spoils a perfectly good VN into something not worth playing.

  8. Okay, I'm confused (not a new state of being). The title screen of the game says "Complete Edition" but I see evidence in game that this is still a work in progress.


    In my experience, a game usually doesn't get a subtitle like "complete edition" if it's still in the developmental stages. Such titles are reserved for re-releases that have all additional DLC per-installed. Am I just missing a point here?

  9. General FYI for anybody who cares: I only just started playing this, but unlike most HRPG's, this title appears to have a quality translation, or perhaps it was just in English from the get go.


    Useful tidbit: "F4" is the full screen command.

  10. Based on the above description, this almost the perfect setup for a revenge story, its only shortcoming is that the heroine is married. I acknowledge that the heroine is not willingly betraying her husband, so my usual rants about cheating and infidelity don't apply, but I still think it would have been better if the heroine was single. Nothing in the description above says the husband wronged the protagonist, and by taking revenge against the wife, he is attacking the husband by extension.

  11. @Ivan

    That's fine, I was just making sure that was intended rather than some sort of website malfunction, or perhaps the URL no longer led to the page it did when you set up the link, something along those lines.

  12. Can VN makers/authors PLEASE step AWAY from the blood-related incest? Just make it adopted sibling at birth or step siblings and it would be fine in fiction (still wouldn't be fine in real life).

  13. It's an endangered species! A VN whose title actually makes coherent sense in relation to the VN's story!


    Disclaimer: I am only referring to the English portion of the title. As I don't speak Japanese (the presumed language of the non-English portion of the title), I can't offer opinion as to whether it makes coherent sense or if it is another RNG attached to a dictionary.

  14. Can anybody offer a description of this title that would actually give me a basic idea of the plot. The above description reads like one continuous nonsensical run-on sentence. Is the setting present, near future, or distant future. What is this "Galactic empire"? And most importantly what is a Loveduction? Since this is the fourth one, it's presumably not a mystery to what they are.

  15. Here's a silly thought. As this is a story about people learning how to be voice actors, I wonder if the actual voice actors, the real people providing the voices, not the characters in the story, had difficulty deliberately flubbing their lines to represent amatures just learning after all the time they spent learning not to flub their lines?

  16. I assumed the same as well, either start up or shutdown and nothing actually in game. My problem is I still don't know WHEN these events are suppose to trigger. I don't want to know what they are just what days to either wait for, or muck with my computers calendar to artificially jump it ahead.


    As far as avoiding spoilers, obviously days like Christmas eve or valentines day (assuming those are some of the days in question) are going to be pretty obvious what they are but I don't want to know what the rest are.

  17. According to vndb.org, this title has "System Time Events". If I understand that correctly, that means the game will do something out of the ordinary on specific dates and/or times based on your computer's clock. Assuming it isn't a mis-tagging and the VN has no such thing, I'm having difficulty finding a list of what times/dates trigger these events.


    I don't want to know the contents of events them selves, just what dates and times trigger them. Does anybody know when they are?

  18. +1 points for this title. The heroines can actually differentiate between a rom-com accident and a deliberate peeping perv.


    I'm really tired of protagonists getting their reputation permanently trashed as if what was an accident was actually intentional. It's really refreshing to see the heroine(s) response match the actual situation. Of course I still expect the protagonist to get slapped in the face in the heat of the moment, or some other such appropriate response, but once everything settles down, I really appreciate the heroine(s) recognizing the difference between accident and intent.

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