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Everything posted by Wilhem

  1. I can't say, maybe he was sent back or, it's more likely that since he change history he was erased along with the future he is from. Still unless there is an official explanation (if there is I haven't heard of it) I guess it's up to us to decided what happened to him. PS : Gi's ending would have been my favorite ending if it didn't ended the way it did since I'm a sucker for happy ending (Each time I finish Gi's route it makes me cry T_T).
  2. Here are some of my favorite eroge songs : Kokoro no katachi (Oni Uta)
  3. Otoboku is with Harukoi Otome one of the two titles I'm currently waiting for from Mangagamer so I'm quite happy with it's progress so far. Now if only JAST USA was capable of working at the same pace (and without the need to wait "3 years" for their work to be approved by the original maker of their title) it would be great, I'm still despairing for Seinarukana T_T.
  4. This might be because Sexy Demon Transformation is set to be released on the 14th of September.
  5. I agree with you on this Cross. Most of the time I start with the character I like the best, then the one I like the best after this one, etc... Anyway I'm ashamed to say I didn't even know they were doing a remake for Tsukihime I'm gonna search the forum inside out to see if there more infos on this but right now I'm going on Type-Moon website. 1, 2, 3 ... *Dashing toward Type-moon website.*
  6. Cross, the guy is doing this on his free time and for free so let him be, a number of reasons could explain why it took him this time (Work, illness, not being in the mood, ...). The only dudes who deserve this are those who sell the translated games but take years to translated a game that some non professional groups would have translated in half the time or who release a already translated game (Yeah I'm talking about you JAST USA).
  7. I would say Ar tonelico 1, 2 (PS2) and 3 (PS3) are quite the good games (Ar tonelico 2 being my favorite of the three) and definitely worth the time I've spent playing those 3 games just be warned that there is a lot of unsubtle innuendo in the English translation which were a lot more subtle in Japanese and the 3rd Ar tonelico got an "interesting" approach on how to power up your magic ^^ (namely the less your Reyvateil wear the stronger she get). If you don't lind this then the only "downside" would be that Ar tonelico 1 and 2 are really easy so if you're looking for a challenge during your
  8. It has been too long since I watch this anime so I don't remember it too well and I must admit that the MC was kind of pissing me off after the 3rd or 4th episode so I might not have noticed it. Still it's kind of a weird approach to have us see the "what might have happened" if he was serious with each girl.
  9. I agree with you but even if these girls were annoying the most annoying character of this series was without a doubt the MC/Sora's brother (I can't and don't care to remember his name). I hope that the fact that you make his choices will allow me not to play a d*ck of a MC who sleep with all the heroins one after the other and once he's finished with them he just discarded them like some kind of "cheap one use onahole" before going for his sister --__--...
  10. I'm a bit disappointed by Mangagamer's new licenses but I can understand why they would go for nukige since they're relatively quick to translate they'll be be able to put them on sale and make some "quick" bucks while they are translating some more plot heavy eroge/visual novel. Let's hope that their next batch of licenses will have less nukige and more plot in it ^^.
  11. I'm also curious, they might localize a little gem for us this would be great (or Shin Koihime Musou, this would be even better for me ^^).
  12. Since most of the time the drawing for the censored parts are rubbish (they look like anything but what they're supposed to be, the proportion are a complete mess, the proportion for the MC's erected penis size change from an arm to a finger and back to an arm without any reason,...) I tend to prefer the mosaic over the uncensored version of the same drawing. Plus sometimes the uncensored drawing differ to what is described in the text like in Koihime Musou (I think it was in that eroge but it is the same in a lot of then if not most) when you have characters with shaved pubic hairs in the unc
  13. Depend on the visual novel too, but I must admit that if they're in Japanese then I'll use a walkthrough in most cases since in most cases I'm not sure of what choice I'm making and I don't like picking choices without understanding at least what they mean (Most of the time AGTH don't hook the choices correctly or at all so I'm using a walkthough to translate the meaning of those choices.).
  14. In English, I would say Jingai Makyou, Seinarukana, Otoboku, Shin Koihime Musou, and maybe Jingai Makyou ^^. As for in Japanese, I can't say I waiting for any but mostly because I'm not really aware of what will be released in the coming month so I guess I'll just take them as they come.
  15. That's because there is no Ryubi in Koihime Musou since the MC take more or less Ryubi place as Shoku's leader. The one with Ryubi is Shin Koihime Musou and it is kind of a remake of Koihime Musou with more characters and the possibility to join one of the three warring kingdoms (instead of only Shoku in Koihime Musou) with a different story depending on which kingdom you've chosen to "serve".
  16. It depend on the story and the heroins. If I really enjoy the story and the heroins then I tend to go for the 100% completion, if the story is so so but I enjoy the heroins then I will do the same, but even if the story is great if there is some heroins I don't like then I'll tend to pass their route or go through them using "skip" for the most part while reading the part that seems to be interesting.
  17. I really hate one type of heroin in eroge/visual novel. The type of character who, for whatever reason seems to be a constant in any eroge/visual novel, the one who most of the time ends up to be the heroin MC will end up with if an anime version of the game is made. Character like Nemu (from Da Capo), Kaede (from Shuffle, and even more so when you learn about how much of a b*tch she was in the past), Kirari (from Kira Kira), Sumika (from Muv Luv),... In fact you could say that I hate most of the "main heroin" types, they're always supposed to be the main selling point of a visual novel/eroge
  18. Overdrive Nitro Plus (prior to Chaos Head because since they released this game I really don't like their games. I may change my mind in the future though ^^) Xuse Type Moon Baseson I most likely forget other visual visual novel makers that I really like ... Anyway there is no order in this list I just put their names as they came to mind nothing more ^^.
  19. I've voted for Love themed because I prefer to feel in good mood when I've finished a game rather than feeling like jumping from a window ^^. Still it depend on what you mean by love and dark themed eroge, 'cos if by love you mean nukige then no I'm not a fan of those I prefer a good story. If by dark you mean a game with a dark story (like Jingai makyo as an example among others) then I definitely like those too but they have to have romance in it, not just murders, slaughter,... But if by dark themed eroge you mean rape and stuffs like that as the main element of the game then no I definitel
  20. Since I find these things fun here is mine : 中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 籍真 Kazuma (take part in reality) Now I'm gonna use this name in Love Plus ^^.
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