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Everything posted by rahrah

  1. Haha very odd coincidence. I'm going to try to read a bit more tonight. Haven't read anymore since I last posted.
  2. i always knew you were part of the illuminutty.


    I'm glad you're getting addicted, vn's are great. You should download True Remembrance. Its short enough where you could read it in one sitting if you had enough time (like 5 hours).

  3. I'm so used to visual novels with small resolutions that its no bother to me.
  4. I played about a half hour myself but I agree that the soundtrack seems very meh so far. I was definitely expecting something better. And feel free to make as many short posts as you'd like!
  5. You got a kawaii looking catgirl there in Irina. I'll try to play this sometime soon and give any feedback I can.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/b2sZHZi.png A record low people of 15 voted!!! But hopefully all 15 of you are actually committed to reading the visual novel. Ayakashibito won the vote with 8 of the votes. Ayakashibito: https://vndb.org/v646 In face of human technological advancement during the Meiji Restoration, the youkai of Japan were forced to make a hard decision: 1) To remain as youkai and watch over the land 2) To return to the netherworld 3) To give up their power and status as youkai and live amongst humans. While there were some that chose otherwise, the majority of the yo
  7. The *STAAAAAAAAARES* of Noble Works. Feel free to give me more to complete every character's http://i.imgur.com/XYOC2sa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/sYN98eJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gvDldPV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ErgI4yd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3dOVDOY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/r7Eje7z.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gAqPYWj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Au53sAB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AUrfwB0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/N83f03v.jpg
  8. Moeges are rarely anything special, to be fair.
  9. Sekai basically asks for the same amount in their kickstarters. I do agree that the number does seem high, though.
  10. Megumi telling her how it is http://i.imgur.com/3SMwKLS.png
  11. [spoiler=last month]http://i.imgur.com/VEfrQ8b.png
  12. I think Noble Works has been a bad influence on you... http://i.imgur.com/fqdMQhS.jpg
  13. Thanks for the kawaii-samas. Haven't started on Neko Para vol 2 yet. Busy playing two other vns right now, so I wanna finish one up (esp before the march vn starts) before adding anything new.

  14. I love the nekos, but I am not sure how true of a statement that is there. Haven't played vol.2 yet but 0 & 1 were just moeges. Not really story-focused at all.
  15. We're just voting for now. I can add the EG links in the actual discussion thread once we know which VN was won.
  16. Alright guys, there's still a bit left in February to finish reading up Noble Works but the voting for March begins now. February was a bit of a disappointment though. We had a surprising 28 people vote but only like 9 people actually posted in the discussion thread. That's less than the amount of people that actually voted for the game, so let's clear some shit up. Don't vote for a game you've recently finished. Chances are you aren't going to reread it so soon. Don't vote if you're not going to discuss the game. No reason to screw up our results if you're not gonna participate. Ther
  17. Looks like you were having a pretty good time there.
  18. Happy Birthday kn. I hope your day is filled with many memories of nekos and k-on



  19. [spoiler=Kiri] Potential other best grill http://i.imgur.com/qgzM6KQ.jpg
  20. I'm still reading through it but it is one of the better romance titles (yuri or not) out there. It's pretty great, but I still think Aoi Shiro will stay as my #1 favorite yuri vn.
  21. http://i.imgur.com/2i65UMH.gif
  22. Just finished Shizuru's route. Suffers the same as Akari's (and i assume every other route in this game). The comedy is mostly great and Shizuru is a little kawaii grill too, but its really hard to give a shit about the "story" that is presented to you.
  23. How is everyone else enjoying the yuritopia? Who is your favorite girl and why is it Megumi? http://i.imgur.com/bODAjZl.png
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