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Everything posted by rahrah

  1. http://i.imgur.com/LEe5dBM.png You guys did it. A record setting 28 people voted and Noble Works won with 11 votes. https://vndb.org/v4806 - "Takumi is a normal guy who barely gets by with part-time jobs. One day, he was asked to attend the prestigious private school Rokuroku Gakuen while impersonating a rich student that looks just like him. Although he was hesitant to accept this strange request, circumstances (mainly financial) compelled him to agree to do it. However, he knows nothing about the celeb world. Will he be able to keep his cover?" Use this thread for discussions such a
  2. Better than last year's response
  3. Oh dope. I have a disk copy of that but no cd drive, so I guess it coming to steam would be a good time to get it again and play.
  4. Who even needs a multi on this site
  5. Time to make 50 multis and rig the voting
  6. we got one more day to turn this around. start campaigning for Never7
  7. I'm assuming you already have your computer on Japanese locale? Not sure if that would effect the characters showing up or not though. More than likely its a font problem, I'd imagine. Check the Readme file and see if it says anything about a specific font.
  8. Its a tie again. this voting has been too tight
  9. Geass, are you tryin imply that any of those shows are better than the Glitter Force
  10. my not 10 anime top 10 anime list 1. GLITTER FORCE - Don't you mean Smile Precure!? That came out in 2012, baka! No. Glitter Force is on a whole 'nother level than the original that it deserves to be counted as something new in 2015. If you don't like it, well, you're playing with fire then. http://38.media.tumblr.com/2b7aba19ba20b3cc4e2d775656c65578/tumblr_inline_n08km7gh671s98vwn.gif 2. Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season - This show will truly turn you into a man. http://orig12.deviantart.net/61ab/f/2013/278/3/b/gif_55___kurobasu_s2_opening_by_asahi88-d6pehzv.gif 3. Shirobako - It st
  11. Just like last year's thread, make a list of your top 10 anime of 2015. AND make sure to make fun of other people's list too! Because your taste is the only good taste
  12. http://i.imgur.com/dVVGUzO.gif
  13. Maybe not, but it doesn't hurt either way. Seems like a game not many people have played either, so it'd be nice to get everyone to read something new.
  14. Pretty much just Fifa or NBA. Picked up Xcom on the humble bundle and have been playing that a little bit as well.
  15. Yeah, I voted for Never7 too because I want to read them chronologically. So I'm hoping it wins so I can get that push to finally read the trilogy.
  16. Since the forums are rather dead and the shoutbox and the site in general are dead as well, we are going to do our best to revive this place. To start it off, we are going to try and do a monthly visual novel reading club. A few different members will choose a visual novel to nominate to get voted on and then after a week whichever visual novel has the most votes is the novel that we will all read. After the voting we will make a new thread to discuss the novel and talk about important things like who is the best waifu etc. We can use this thread to discuss why we voted for a certain novel or
  17. Little less than 3 weeks away. So much fucking hype. JUST LOOK AT THIS Riko def looks like best grill already. On the downside, it seems they're going back to a mahou shoujo duo. Its not bad, but I far prefer the precure series with a bigger cast of grills.
  18. Waiting for that young Precure to air... Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko looks good too. I'll watch that once its airing.
  19. You know, in the visual novel they explicitly mention the references to Dante's Divine Comedy and even discuss it a bit.
  20. My eyes are beautiful :*(


    Mio is a slut btw. Im p sure that list was for worst girls, although itd be wrong because mio is top worst girl

  21. My screen resolution is 1920 x 1080, which seems to be standard nowadays? Idk, it looks nice to me.


    And I noticed it so therefor its not trash, right <3


    you loved that yuri too, don't lie.

  22. Nekos and moe are the two most important aspects of life though.


    I like the show tho, its high paced randomness is amazing. They even had K-on appear in the show http://i.imgur.com/ytNuqPb.jpg


    Btw, I'm not sure what is wrong with my list? Your view seems to be off compared to mine but outside of that everything seems fine?



  23. I see you're watching Teekyuu, but you've only given the series a 5 every season. The show is pretty amazing tbh http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rYS-eaPsuYY/VSNiD7vdOaI/AAAAAAAAAik/6bcqWRIDGzs/s1600/1352088228257.png

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