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Everything posted by rahrah

  1. I had no idea who the person was until I saw she did a LP of that game. Other people in the shoutbox knew her so i figured you might too.


    Taromaru aint even close to a cat.

  2. Oh, I see it now. Very kawaii indeed <3


    And your neko senses told you it was my birthday today, thus you coming back today. Let the neko flow through you.


    On a side note, did you see Dodger did a lets play of that vn I worked on? Already over 60,000 views

  3. I am only twenty. I thought you were younger than me too. Thank you for the kawaii nekos though <3

  4. You've wished me a happy birthday 4 years in a row and it seems I haven't thanked you for them : ( I didn't forget this year though! Thank you! I hope you're having a wonderful day <3

  5. rahrah

    Thank you Rin. Keep up the hard work!

  6. It looks like you've grown a neko instinct of your own. You've come far thus far kn.


    Thank you for the birthday wishes. The picture seems to be broken so I can't see it, but I imagine it is a very kawaii picture of Mugi <3

  7. You gotta have the meows in the neko track.


    And yeah, you can share the game with whoever lol. There's a couple lets plays of it on youtube already etc.


    Neko evidence:


  8. I did all of the music for the game. Oh, and there is a neko character in the game too.

  9. Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet by Nami play it


    Also, glad to see you went back to best grill Mugi-sama.

  10. you will need to revert to mugi soon. she is best grill after all.


    as for horror rpg-maker games, idk. I have never been a fan of any of rpg-maker style games. Or really horror games in general. I like the early Resident Evil and Silent Hill series but I think those games are better played than watched. I mostly play strategy, simulation and sports games, so yeeeeeeeeeah.



  11. you changed your avatar away from mugi-chan smh

  12. happy birthday desi. may your eagles soar high but not above any panthers.

  13. Happy birthday soren <3

  14. See, you love the nekos.


    And that face looks like a "I fucking love it" face. School Days is also legit, esp the vn.

  15. Youre slacking kn. You need to see Erin unleash her powers of kawaii.


    I've been more or less busier + the shoutbox has just been a F/GO circle jerk lately so I haven't been on as much.


    I'm p hyped for the new nekos but apparently the game is only like an hour long = /

  16. Hows the nekos doing kn? Did you ever finish watching my GRILL Erin

  17. Of course geass, of course. Coletto for life <3

  18. Happy birthday to the geass

  19. rahrah

    Hey, Happy Birthday

  20. I would just go with the alt-enter method (and press it twice if you want to play in windows). While displaying the "display effects" option does make the game work, you have to go through a lot more hoops to do that and even once you do disable it that doesn't really fix it since upon restarting the game it goes back to that black screen even though the display effects are off. You can then get it back to normal again by turning it back on and repeating this on/off process every time you restart the game. I'm guessing just messing with the config options in general will cause the game to wor
  21. Happy birthday~

  22. Happy Happy birthday

  23. Happy birthday wojo. Keep on truckin'

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