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Status Updates posted by Cru3l

  1. Cru3l

    Don't take me as someone normal, I am rather picky on the stuff I like... one of the major things is "It must make me think, to the point I don't know whats going to happen next"(Not that many series do that)

    Yeah, I hate it when they derive from the story. Sometimes it ends up being much better than the original one, but its rare for one to end up like that.


    I know what you're saying... I'm in chp254 and the reason I put it on hold was because of 2 reasons 1.) Was waiting for it to have more chp translated 2.) I was kind of getting bored of it.

    I only have like 2 chp left in "Sora" and I don't feel like reading them... I just don't want it to end!

  2. Cru3l

    I still haven't finished TWGOK and Sora No Otoshimono.(One of my favorite series) But yeah, I have been hearing bad things about the ending in TWG... must have been bad.



    I think I started reading that a while back. Is it the one where the guy dies, comes back to life as a girl and 2 girls that rejected him now like him because he's a girl... or something like that? <---- I called bullshit on that and I put it on hold.


    Is that the series you are talking about, before I get ahead of my self?

  3. Cru3l

    You got any good manga or you just want to talk about it... I'm all up for it. (WoW. I can't believe I'm being this friendly to someone.)

  4. +Notifications<Opens Up Visitor Messages<Sees Big Giant Heart<Punches Monitor

  5. Yea, it always comes down to funds. T^T We are thinking about starting a kickstarter, but none of us want to waste time on that so its a stalemate with that idea.

    Well, we did start a alpha test a while back with a few hundred people... good reviews with some people wanting to change and fix stuff. We currently looking for someone who can help us with coding so we can finish earlier than we expected.

  6. Yeah, something like that... we might be done by the end of the end of the year(2015), if we all go full time on this we might be able to finish early next year. But since we have to pay for resources we can't do that.

  7. Well some of us are working on the site, but right now our main priority is the main project(something i won't disclose) and the site is side project.

  8. Been working on a project... online with some people, still not even halfway done so I don't have much time to be on the SB like I used to, that goes for watching/reading manga/anime. Yeah, I have been noticing that you been lurking around the site. By the way that's some schedule you got there.

  9. Damn, someone must be in the shiter, for someone like Ivan to show such a monstrosity. Shit, now that I know this information I might see it as well, NUUUUUUUUUUU! Anyway, what you up to these days?

  10. My bad if I'm butting in but I have to ask this. Ivan has a hammer, what kind of hammer is it? Why have I not seen it before, is it some kind of top secret weapons or something?

  11. yeah, seems like you won't be posting any pics anytime soon. By the way why are you uploading them?

  12. Conversation here!

    yeah, I told Ivan about it, but it seems like he doesn't know how to change the settings. Well he did fix the spoiler, for the people who kept talking about the spoilers showing up on there.

  13. Will I Lose IQ... If I Do, I Quit. Will Not Continue A Game That Will Make Me Lose My Remaining 60

  14. I lol When I Saw This Username xD

  15. Had to do it... origin of "Are you a wizard"


  16. ~(-_-)~ Hey There New Guy!

  17. Cru3l


    Just had to say it

    *Walks Away*

  18. Cheer Up Dude, Here Have This...


  19. Just Spamming By HEHEHE~~


  20. Hey There Dude From JD


    Hmm :\ Seems Like Its Down~~

  21. Hey There~~ ( ̄ _ゝ ̄)

  22. Hey New Guy~~(*^▽^)/

  23. Hey New Guy~~(*^▽^)/

  24. Hey New Guy~~(*^▽^)/

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