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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. So this thread has turned into a stupid war; again? Shit. ... Only one person can save us from this annoying waste of time!
  2. I want to keep my body from doing as it pleases!!! - The perfect excuse for fapping
  3. Who cares about Majikoi or Dracu Riot anyway? Tayutama is clearly the best visual novel out there! :3
  4. Hey Ulti, listen to me. Majikoi sucks! Nyahahahaha~ Edit: Also, where's my Nursery Rhyme update Ryu? Edit2: I just opened the vndb site and guess what screenshot I'm currently looking at? Yep, one of Nursery Rhyme. This. Is. Fate. Edit3: Forget about Nursery Rhyme. Gimme a translation patch for Tayutama!
  5. No idea. It seems that I accidently copied the wrong line.
  6. Here are some rememberable lines of Desi-chan~ :3
  7. http://imageshack.com/scaled/large/547/o4lx.jpg
  8. Like I said before, it's the fault of my job because currently a lot of my workmates are ill which means that I've to do a lot of extra hours and I usually have only one free day per week. And thus I'm 6 days exhausted from work (so not in the mood for fapping) and I need the remaining day to reload my power supplies, and fapping will do the opposite. Well, next week two of those workmates will come back and hopefully the situation will change.
  9. I'm not sure if someone still remembers this thread but due to my exhausting and time consuming job I somehow ended up not faping for two months. So when I did my best to not fap I failed and when I didn't care about it all I was able to do it? What is this blasphemy?
  10. The game has some flaws but that's totally normal because the developer tried to insert a lot of new features and I'm very thankful for this descision because it their next game they can use the best of the new and the old features to form an even greater game. Oh and people always forget to name the awesome new features such as the line of sight which means that you can't see units if they are hiding behind a hill or buldings, the soldiers of your army will say stuff while fighting, the battle animations are superb, there are an insane amount of different unit models, a lot of stuff is easier to do and blablabla.


    To sum it up, the game has some bugs but that's nothing you can't change with patches etc. I'm personally NOT disappointed by Rome 2 but that's most likely because I'm seeing it as a sequel to Rome and not Shough 2 (the previous game). In my eyes the line if site feature is especially awesome because it will totally change the battles. I like Rome 2.

  11. Well, these days people tend to complain about every new game and a lot of their reviews are totally over the top. As for myself, I'm honestly not sure if I'm the right person for answering your question because I only played the game for roughly 10 hours but let's see. The graphics didn't improve that much since the previous game Shogun 2 and some persons have weird performance problems. The game itself is rather hard to understand if you didn't play a game of the Total War series before. The AI is only good if you're playing on harder difficulties. Some parts of the menu (especially the unit cards) look stupid or are hard to look through. There are probably some more minor bugs etc. but I can't remember them right now.

  12. Steam sucks. =( Today Rome 2 Total War was finally released and I got the collectors edition two hours ago. You can't believe how happy I was. I installed the game and wanted to start it but then ... an update? And it's around 2GB which is totally impossible for me because I've a shitty internet connection. But hey, that's steam, people with slow internet are only second-rate. Oh and the offline mode is of course not working, like always. Fuck this shit. I bought the game so it's my god damn right to play it right? I'm fine with activating it via Steam but do I have to update it? Just 10 m
  13. I never heard of a game called WoodsWorth so I suppose you mean Words Worth. Here's a walktrough : Words Worth.rar (it's most likely the same like this : Google Translate)
  14. You probably won't believe me but using glue instead of clue is a common insider of a myanimelist club. And that's the reason why I used glue by accident. Supid me.
  15. My memory is indeed pretty bad (at least these days) but another reason is my non-existent interest for this game. I'm absolutely gay for Nitropolis but those witch heroines are just not my cup of tea. I would play the game if it has a good story though.
  16. I didn't even know that someone was translating that game. oO'>
  17. It's better to have one proper route than 4 shitty ones ... although I've absolutely no glue what I'm talking about.
  18. Yeah but it's very unlikely that we'll see a translation of essence. The only otome game I read until now is The Second Reproduction and it was quite enjoyable.
  19. - Kurata Sayuri - Kareha and Mayumi Thyme - Kuu and Silviana - Caster - Ibarazaki Emi's hot mother - Etheldreda - Maris Stella - Ren - Petrushka - Yashiro Kasumi and Suzumiya Haruka She has a route in Really? Really! and that's the only reason why I'll play this game. She's a main heroine in Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, an apperantly awesome game...which isn't translated.
  20. Eh? I apperantly finished the first route of School Days and...eh? The game suddenly decided to throw me back at the title screen. There was no ending whatsoever. Oh well, next route.

  21. Oh and School Days HQ is a huge pile of shit. I know that I'm repeating myself but it totally feels like they just put some random scenes together and tried to form a story with them.

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