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Status Updates posted by OneManArmy

  1. I'm currently watching an anime called "Black Bullet" and so far it's your typical "interesting setting meets mediocre story" kind of show but holy macaroni, those 10years old girls are so uber adorable. No pedo.

  2. I'm not doing that much these days really. Mostly working and relaxing in my garden. Around evening I'm always planning to continue Umineko but during the last two weeks I read 40min at most. I did finish Ayakashibito recently though but you most likely found my review already so why am I even telling you about this right now? Oh but I did play some PS3 the last days and finished Kingdoms of Amalur and Assassines Creed 3. But that's it. And today I had to waste 3h on a stupid presentation for school. Fuck this shit.


    In roughly one month I'll have a two week long vacation; already excited =)

  3. I'm not reading that game anymore because I already finished it. It's quite enjoyable (great humor) but there's a huge quality difference between the routes...


    The sister-incest route was unbelievable bad and was basically nothing but a collection of sex scenes.

    The cousin-incest route had a strong and interesting middle part but fucked up the ending.

    The route of the maid was very solid but it hadn't any outstanding scenes.

    I didn't play the last route because I didn't give a fuck about the heroine (your usual dumb but honest girl + large tits)


    The music was ... like ... there? The art was pretty good. Altough I've no idea who draw the boobs of that chick I don't give a shit about because holy macaroni, those aren't normal boobs. So yeah, I guess it's all in all a pretty solid moege.

  4. I'm not really watching a whole lot of anime these days (mainly because of my lack of freetime) but nevertheless I managed to finish "Isshuukan Friends." in 2 days. It was a really enjoyable anime with an interesting setting, loveable characters (I want to hug the heroine so badly >.< ) and a small portion of comedy here and there. I kind of disliked its ending though because while it didn't feel wrong it was still somewhat unsatisfying. It's the weakest 8/10 on my list so far. But it's still an 8/10 and definitely an anime I recommend.

  5. I'm not sure if they're any patches for Kai but I downloaded a PS2 graphic and a BGM patch for Higurashi. Did I miss a patch or something?

    Also, what are you playing at the moment? Or are you still busy with your exams?


    Edit: I don't like Mion anymore, she's way too selfish. =\

  6. I'm not sure what to think about Plastic Memories anymore. At the beginning it was really interesting and it focused on the story a lot (which I liked) but now after 10 episodes it switched over to a romance focused anime with a lot of awkward scenes. Like they are sitting in front of each other and they don't know what to say and so they end up stuttering random shit. I mean c'mon, they lived together in an apartement for a pretty long time so don't give me that shit. Anyway, I've the slight feeling that the anime won't go anywhere.

  7. I'm pretty sure that I got the old version from somewhere else, I believe it were some awesome megaupload links (MU, I miss ya~). The current, and working, version is from here.

  8. I'm something like an assistant. And I wouldn't recommend you to watch Guilty Crown anyway because it's not really worth the time (too many flaws) unless you're looking for a mediocre anime to hype yourself up for an amazing anime you're planning to watch afterwards. Reminds me of:

    - amazing OP but the anime seems to be shit, I'll watch it nevertheless because I want to watch Ghost in a Shell next (seems to be my kind of anime).
  9. I'm still getting that error. I'll try to reinstall the english patch.

  10. I've absolutely no idea what she's saying but cute is justice :3


    Oh and be sure to give me a little review after you finished the game because I'm seriously interested in hearing your thoughts.

  11. I've no idea why you can't see our anime compatibility either but it does make sense to give you a fat unknown because our anime lists share like 15 anime and calculating our compatibility based on 15 titles is kinda silly. And I'm pretty sure that whopping 89% will change into something like 70% eventually.


    The female lead of Kimi ni Todoke does indeed behave like Hanako a couple of times but I wouldn't really compare them with each other because the mindset of both characters is just way too different. Also there's a second season but I'm scared to watch it because it appears to be one of those boring "back-and-forth love-triangle" kind of stories.


    True, Ami was like the only person of the anime who always knew what was going on but due to that she felt kinda distance from the other characters.


    Oh I am interested in Wolf Children but I'm still waiting for the right time to watch it. I mean I can watch it at one evening so I might as well wait for a day when I'm in high spirits.

  12. I've the next three days no work and the Rewrite Patch was just released. Good by RL. o/

  13. If he doesn't end up liking Mashiro I'll kill him.

  14. In Germany you always have to show your new employer a so called criminal record certificate which costs around 15€ ... 15€ for nothing but a blank piece of paper. And if you, because of whatever reasons, decide to suddenly change your job you still have to buy a new certificate even if your previous one is 1 month old. Fuck knows why.

  15. Is this a conspiracy or something? oO'>



  16. Is this a rhetorical question or something? Of course I'm planning to replay the game and it'll be so awesome. This reminds me, isn't Yuuko one of your favourite characters?

  17. It definitely sucks to move back to your parents home but it seems like the best temporary solution at the moment. And you get enough money to pay that stupid rent at least so it's not the end of the world. Speaking of apartments, literally 5min ago I wanted to call the person who's currently living at the place I plan to move to but apparently the mobile phone number the landlord/renter/whatever it's called gave me doesn't exist. So now I've absolutely no idea how to contact that person so that we can agree on a view of the apartment. Fuck.


    Edit: Just realized that I posted my previous response on my own profile. Go me!!!

  18. It may be true that the anime is still ongoing but the manga, the original work, is already finished. And the movie takes place after the manga. Actually, in Japan there's already another movie called Buruto (son of Hinata and Naruto, stupid name though) and that movie is the last thing we'll see when it comes to Naruto according to the creator who desperately wants a break after 15 years of Naruto.


    I did hear about that Digimon remake (or was it a sequel to the first season?) as well but I also heard it'll be produced as movies and not as a TV series. That was the moment when I lost my interest.

  19. It's even worse when you're working in a hospital because in some of them you've to pay those medical check ups by yourself. And they have to do A LOT of check ups. On the other hand, if you're working in a hospital then your payment is probably so good that you don't mind it.

  20. It's just that the last time I read a comment of you was like one year ago. Well, there's still the possibility that you're kinda active when it comes to the shoutbox but I'm never there so...

  21. It's my (way too late) birthday present for Hanako. And man, I really had problems with finding some good pictures of her.

  22. It's slow in general. I mean it's not really a story that sets the focus on action and nothing really happens in the game besides the change in relationship between the two main chars. Oh well, be sure to check it out one day. With this said, next game I want to finish its Comyu, already played it for something like 6 hours but never continued it. And then there's also Umineko ... sigh ... so much stuff to finish.

  23. It's your own fault. I only started to play Umineko because I knew that the patch for Chiru will be released in the near future =P

  24. Jesus Christ! Those lacrosse clothes are horrible. They only look good on Sumika.

  25. Juni's route done and again the same problem, no story climax. Also, her route felt really short if you're skipping the common route parts. One more route to go but I'll read Shuhua's route tomorrow.

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