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Status Updates posted by ChexGuy

  1. thanks mate

  2. What is this monstrosity

  3. I've seen that before. I think the general consensus is that it shouldn't exist, but hey. Can't know until you try it.


    And I'm going to watch G-Savior at some point.

  4. I used to play. I ended up stopping because I didn't really like the direction of champion design (especially stupid ones, like Darius).


    Well, actually, Darius is what made me decide not to come back...I think I stopped playing around the time Viktor was introduced (which is WAY long ago).


    I'd like to say I've "moved" to Dota 2, but I don't play it as often as I played LoL (1-2 games a day as opposed to 3-4).

  5. http://i.imgur.com/hkuvCy7.png


    I hear the RX-78-2 feels flimsy :V

  6. Something like the armor separation being a little too much so the parts don't feel sturdy. I dunno, I don't have it. I have the Zeta and the GP01, though.

  7. nonono armor separation in terms of kits means the pieces that make up the armor. In the RG line there's more separation than usual to give it that realistic look.

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