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Everything posted by Virsia

  1. well it may just be random feeling eruption, but to sum it all i dun hate any girls group, i just hate male who know everything about me sorry working on da capo right now it seems nemu path is getting in me
  2. let me tell you guys on how i get this VN virus, it's from my sister....... it's long ago when i'm still pure ( ikr you want to puke, but all children used to be pure) the day when i likes watching hamtaro and doraemon on sunday morning, i stumble upon pandora box called pc, this pandora box belong to my sister, well this pandora box has the game i like to play (tetris), but for some reason that day i dun feel like playing it, why.....??, coz there is something else interesting at the monitor, the icon seems cute and eyecatching, it's calling me and urge me to click it, and somehow the door t
  3. just to be blunt i hate male char who know everything about me, sounds like my older bro to me gah i hate him.......... you know for all this game i surely hoping there will be harem ending, why?? coz everyone will be happy, you get me and i get you, and you wont do suicidal and crazy thing coz ussualy when you reject them something bad will happen, like a sudden accident, or she will go dying by sickness and making suicide, and the most annoying part is she will be back to kill you, well i have good heart you know, i cant just leave when someone is having a bad time, it's just not my sty
  4. well it's better to play without anything to begin with, justt me the game and laptop, unless when i want 100% completion...
  5. well there sure lots fate stay night fans around, but never read it my self so i guess i'll put it to my must download list. so far i've finish: to heart(my 1st VN ah~~ remember good old days), kanon (search true ending was hell), Kana little sister (this one is full of tragedy, tears and sadness), Brave soul , critical point, Private nurse (most likely duel), little my maid, figure of happiness series , heart da roommate, piece of wonder, yo jin bo (after get killed many times), chain, virgin rooster (i'm bad), discipline (totally bad) , bible black ( supreme bad), do you llike horny bu
  6. well that would be gadged trial, in case you dun know it's like all ages visual novel mixed with turn based battle, and since it's all ages it has no H scenes, but still pretty interesting. to sum it all it's about android which has human heart the rest you can google it i dun want to spoil the fun outa you, if you happens to be interested. next project will be da capo which i'm pretty sure will be epic (at least from the synopsis)
  7. well i dun like to rush thing o i play reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaly slow since not much english version of this thing now struggling with da capo (to get 100% complete) now downloading duel savior still long way till complete thx to my sluggish connection well i know how to speak japanese yet i dun know how to read kanji/katakana/hiragana so "it's pain in the neck" quote from you know who I prefer true love, romance and twist around story not really much fans of guro and rape type genre but sometime....... well you know it happens........ lol
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