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Everything posted by Cynicade

  1. Jast will Jast. I lose interest in anything they pick up because I know they will hold onto it until they are in danger of losing the license. Mangagamer is being damn slow on the few I wanted to read as well.
  2. Jast really does love to hold them hostage. They make more money off of pre-orders than they do on actual sales.
  3. The full patch isn't officially released yet. We have a leaked one that isn't totally edited.
  4. Corpse Party and Root Double. I'll take 'em.
  5. I just couldn't keep myself interested in this one. Doesn't help that the resolution was stuck in Eye x Strain.
  6. It is the eye strain that bothers me. I'm already a bit near-sighted from reading it for about an hour.
  7. I'm more annoyed by the tiny resolution than the bland soundtrack. At least the music can be change.
  8. [spoiler=Not really a spoiler]http://i.imgur.com/HnRRJJI.jpg
  9. I'll probably burn off Shizuru's route first. The rest depend on my mood at the time. Not interested in the hidden "route" really.
  10. Planetside 2 on the ps4, Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, and a few random mmos on the side. I really need to focus on one game at a time at some point.
  11. Every time I hear "Key H-Scene" I think of Kanon. Never again. I'll take story over a trainwreck. Unless said trainwreck makes for a good story.
  12. The mosquito got a fitting end, and the spider had it's last meal. I would have let it go it it hadn't been in my room at the time. Dead thread. Editing in Geass' shame. http://i.imgur.com/3zquj6z.jpg
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