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Everything posted by purpura9999

  1. hmm dont know what there sayin but from the pic it looks like some driver updates are needed sound driver for sure and prob to go with it graphix i have that game and play it pretty easy with out changein my language or any resolution settings but just to be safe maybe he should use his native resolution and jap settings
  2. not really sure if its a hidden gem or any thing alike im just waitin for it to get done even tho i have the urge to read it some times *I wait for things to finish airing b 4 i read or watch them* But Greed Packet Unlimited has my interest on hold for now i've been wantin to read this for a long time just because i really like the art in it i've drawn the main herion a few times now and cant wait for the manga to finish even tho the story witch is what care most about might not be that good here is a simple ani list link Greed Packet Unlimited - MyAnimeList.net i havent read many
  3. oh i've been waitin for this one to finish airing i cant stand waitin for episodes to air once' i've started watching an anime so my habit is to wait for them to finish now it sounds really cool and from what i've heard its good so im hopein when it finishes it really will be good is the hype to much or should i expect some thin pretty good after all >?
  4. I like a lot of things but i guess out of tho's picks i'd go with loli even tho irl my tastes are way different i just cant look at a little one that way im more of a story lover as far as anime and vn's go either way
  5. hmm i dont know about my fav one but i do know of a bunch of cool one's i've seen tons and tons of anime I actually use to do a bunch of anime recommendations when i was a mod for an anime site I miss that to bad the site died any way check this one out its pretty cool its from the anime shangra la - its fun to go full screen and look at it real close it kinda reminds me of the effects from wmp during a random song play oh im thinking of all kinds of them now im getin excited
  6. cool sounds good im waitin for kira kira curtain call to download since i just finished the first one so g senjou is what im playing now then when im done with it ill go back to curtain call as a side note im getin really addicted to VN's i havent played as many as i've seen anime but i have a fair number done with now no where near my 2k anime witch i've seen tho... for the most part im enjoying the vn's more than the anime counter parts except with a few like utawarerumono and a couple other's. no real reason why but i like the anime version more
  7. im bout to start G senjou based on comments in forums and such places sounds like its going to be pretty good hopefully it keeps me busy a few days so im not bored
  8. oh i had a lot of fun with that game i still have it some where on an hd the toons are also a lot of fun to use on mugen
  9. yeah its also on bakabt for torrent it was a pretty normal naruto movie but it does have sage mode in it so its worth at least one watch
  10. it would be nice to see index III. I want to see what they do with the dragon comin out of the MC's hand from season 1 i believe it was
  11. the DDL seems to be broken but the torrent works altho it needs some seeders i just noticed i've only got 60 some mb downloaded and my seed rate is at .999 if any one could seed it would be very helpfull and i did grab as many trackers as i could with the hash ill also be sure to seed it up any one looking to download with me sorry but i've givin up on the download after how many weeks it stay'd stuck at 5% so i've removed it i did seed the 5% i downloaded tho if some one wants to give it a shot longer than me
  12. ty vm i even checked nyaa torrents but i guess i did some thing wrong
  13. [email protected] if any one cant seem to get ahold of me here

  14. Cant seem to find any place to download it i've been wanting to play the game for a wile now since i've seen the anime Ayakashi (visual novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia here is a link for info on it a simple wiki any help on finding it would be much appreciated and here is some info on the anime if any one is interested Ayakashi - MyAnimeList.net [email protected] is my email if any one wants to send me a link there or in a message here oh If any one wants a link for the anime download let me know *havent got to reading all the rules yet so im not sure abo
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