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Hongō Kazuto

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Everything posted by Hongō Kazuto

  1. Another Majikoi game? Where the hell did that come from hahahaha.
  2. Yes! Uh, is that... supposed to be there? Finally.... it has decsended! Fuck yeah for progress! Awesome updates. It is ready, my body is. Edit: Wait.... this is the first time I have ever seen anything about a Code Geass VN hahahahaha.
  3. No, my BlazBlue: http://i.imgur.com/g9ZnEkn.jpg
  4. We set up a refuge. Look around the JD forums for a link in the Site Discussion section. It should be stickied.

  5. Same thing with mine. Everything on my wishlist: karma's wishlist With post haste as well.
  6. We set up a new site as a refuge.

    So go there.

  7. I'd say sports. If you wanna watch an anime about sports, it's right outside.
  8. 8.8/10 Should get a sig rotator and fill it. I have over 108 sigs in mine.
  9. 8/10 Don't know if either to be afraid or.... go along with it.
  10. Kamikaze ☆ Explorer! Hmmm..... I was looking at the pics, and I have to say, the breasts on most of them look like over blown up balloons. Meh, added to the wishlist. Looks and sounds interesting enough. Other than that, some of them, you can almost touch their completion.
  11. Gave me a nice laugh, hahahaha. So, the only thing mangagamer picked up that isnt much of a nukige is Chou. Was hoping for something else at least, but eh, whatever. But I do like how Le Grape is still goin on regularly, and Dracu Riot is at least moving as well. So many things almost done, and I do not think my body is ready.
  12. Not like I talk to people in-game anyways...... It's called a party haha.
  13. I feel like when Majikoi is completely done being translated..... I may do her route. Just from seeing a lot of Wanko. 9.2/10
  14. Looks like I wont be messing with that guy. 7.9999999991/10
  15. Here is one in my cycle, and I do not mean menstrual, I am not a woman. Greatest strategist in my opinion. http://imageshack.us/a/img339/6858/30358918.png
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