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Everything posted by AzureXCrimson

  1. i ordered D3 threw wow, im not gonna drop it i have alot of friends who play its what makes it so much fun, (we're all getting D3 aswell)
  2. hehe its easier if you just add me i have WoW guild stuff to do so i dont have time to remember all this
  3. yeah i used to play abit of Fizz love him in the jungle, recently i've been going back to my mains being Shyvana, Riven, Ezreal and Ziggs depending one where i go
  4. i mostly play Jungle, or solo top/ad carry on occasions but mainly jungle because no-one else i know can jungle xD
  5. Does anyone else play LoL my summoner name is AzureXScarlet on the NA servers, i'd love to have a game with anyone if i'm not busy Also Hiya4321 plays his is Hiya4321 (so original)
  6. its fine it actually made me laugh and np always great to have friends

  7. Ripped off batman's D**k and turned him into a female
  8. That guy he is my most hated person in the world He was such a bastard also not so much hate but someone that really annoyed me was Kanade from Shuffle because no matter who i wanted she would always make me feel bad
  9. By Global Warming which then causes everyone still alive on Earth to evacuate to a nearby planet
  10. Horrible Subs and CoalGirls have to be my favourite fansubs anything done by them is a instant must watch
  11. Sono Hanabira For great reasons but for consoles and handheld it would have to be Final Fantasy and Soul Calibur, i love the story of every single Final Fantasy and SC is just great fun
  12. Like the Title says lets start an Endless Story a line each post, I'll start As i laid lazily gazing at the sky I was suddenly surprised by...
  13. I really enjoyed this anime not many people would agree to this but it could make a really good VN
  14. Shinji from Fate Extra omg his face it's just Arrrrrggggh i'm so glad my Caster kicked his ass, Also the Kid from Ever17 everytime i wanted to punch him
  15. KukuriTachibana's Profile - MyAnimeList.net List of my favourite characters here Mio + Kirino are my top two
  16. I Know it's they are not very long but the Sono Hanabira series is my favourite series and will be for a long time
  17. I'm another Girl that plays Eroge. Kirino is one of my Favourite characters of all time, my favourite Eroge series would have to be Sono Hanabira. Favourite anime of all time is Black Rock Shooter. pleased to meet you ^_^
  18. For some reason it isn't there but Senpais are my favourite type of heroine especially Tsundere Senapis >////
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