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Soldier of Faith

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Everything posted by Soldier of Faith

  1. And Accepted; Skryim I see Be sure to let me know if you want any of my Steam coupons, want to give them all out in a day or two.
  2. Alright, let's get down to business, shall we? Now, it's come to my attention that the date of expiration for all coupon received over that Hellish week we called "Super Server Crashing laggy ass Download Speed Holiday Sale Palooza" or "Holy Sh*t! NEED MOAR COAL!!1!1one!1!eleven!1" (aka the Steam holiday sales) is coming up within the next week. So, I don't know about most of you guys, but I've still got unused coupons, and quite frankly I'm probably not even going to use mine. That's why I'm here getting to word out to anyone on Steam who would like my coupons or just to anyone in general
  3. I beleive that this video can do better a better job than what words can do:
  4. I think I'll start with Perfect Cherry Blossom, out of all the games in the series, I've heard the most about that one. Off to pirate bay for me then it seems Thanks for the suggestions, I'll let you know how it goes
  5. I used to be a troll... but then I took an arrow to the knee...
  6. ^ I was going to mention that, but I didn't know how people would feel about me being blatently honest XD TBH one of the best things of Touhou to me is the simple fact that I'd be able to play it in comfort in computer. Now that I remember, the only game that I've played of this genre was Jamestown on Steam during Christmas's "Holiday blow out sale" on steam; it was pretty fun.
  7. It seems I have jumped the gun yet again Well, there goes my extra votes down the drain lol
  8. It's hard for me to choose... my love for both Oppai and Loli's are just about equal, and erogeLOLZ grabs my attention too. I think I'll just go with the easy to remember erogedownload
  9. 30$ isn't bad at all, I should really consider buying one. Would you suggest one of the older games or newer games?
  10. I seriously wonder that too sometimes ._. Without going into too much detail (Don't wanna derail the thread in any way lol), if you think about it Shepard really didn't have to kill Ghost or Roach. I mean yeah sure, Shepard didn't want to have to deal with TF 141 interfering with his pursuit of Makarov, but he didn't have to kill them off for god's sake. Meh... yet another character killed off in the series Ghost was already cool for being British, but the Skull mask made him ten times cooler. Personally I thought that this would have been a much better ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch
  11. Never played any of the Touhou games, but I've seen gameplay here and there and I'm going to try out some of those fan-made varients. They look like a lot of fun that needed pretty good reflexes, the closest I've ever played to one would be various American "bullet hell shooters" but they would never compare to what I've seen in Touhou gameplay lol. How much does each Touhou game cost usually?
  12. Steam: Soldier_of_Faith I usually play either Fallout: New Vegas or Red Orchestra 2, but I'm up or playing anything else on my list. PSN: S0ldi3r_0f_Faith (I want to say that this is it, but god if I know. You know, in retrospect using 1337 speak to make my PSN user name wasn't such a great idea... but anyway, if that isn't it then juggle the lettering/words around a bit >_ I do more PC gaming in general, but I borrow MW3 from a friend, so I've been tearing through that lately. Always looking for someone to play Hardcore SnD with
  13. Well, I'm not the most creative fellow out here, so I'll go with the template -The names Anthony, but most people will just use my user name (Soldier, Faith, the whole thing, whichever is easiest for people). Currently 19 and spending most of my time at college trying to cram in as much stuff as I can now, so I can just forget the important stuff at a later date. As for jobs, I really just try and juggle any work that I can find, and by living on barely anything I'm slowly saving up enough money in case anything bad ever happens. I live in the US of A which I'm just fine with (I've got a r
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