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Everything posted by Haika

  1. Time for a little Yuri groping today.
  2. Such a close one. I'm partial to Lilly of course.
  3. Alright, before I miss nominations again, I'm nominating Lilly. Such a classy tune. ^.^
  4. How about some nipple rings.
  5. Voted for Ranpha because honestly, I don't know the others.
  6. Haika

    Picture Wars

    Pew pew I say. Righto.
  7. wow, yeah I'd nominate someone, but we already have 5 in this next group, before even the other poll is taken down. XD
  8. I'll nominate Vanilla-chan from Galaxy Angel this time. A Loli that I actually adore. ^.^ Then again, she does come from a clean game.
  9. I could *cough* get behind skirt flipping if this happened more often. *hums innocently*
  10. Wow, Nekoko is doing better here than I thought she would.
  11. Not a whole lot. Still same as always I suppose.

  12. I'll nominate Nekoko from yume Miru Kusuri.
  13. Naked apron. Love her... posture here as well. >.>
  14. Haika

    Picture Wars

    lightsabers! (feels far more nerdy than usual) Also, Shouldn't this be in the forum games section? Ivan or another mod(if we added any mods?) should probably move this there. If it matters really.
  15. Ok, what the hell is this, and why haven't I seen it before? Is this Type moon stuff? I've never heard of any Shiki other than Tohno... is she supposed to be a Nanaya with the eyes, or gah. My head hurts. Must find this, must watch more.... One quick edit and extensive google search later: Kara No Kyokai... interesting. I'll have to check it out, alternative precursors to Tsukihime, I thought that game was old, and the novel for this pre-dates it. Anyway, as to the theme of this thread. The first scene that came to mind for me, is the opera scene for FFVI on the original SNES, bad transl
  16. Haika

    Picture Wars

    http://www.katzy.dsl.pipex.com/LOLCats/lolcatadmin.jpg (I've been in a few of these before, they can be fun. But being picky about having images match or whatever, will kill it fast. So just let the random images flow and we can all have some fun.)
  17. Yeah... except that Hanako is strong enough she doesn't need support and all that. Kinda the whole point of her route. and Why I didn't like it to an extent. Also, you act like Lilly would actually say something like that. XD
  18. Nude shirt, second only to nude apron. XD
  19. hmm, poor Hanako. Usually I'd be all for supporting her, but the way her plot line ended up didn't seem to have as much depth as I would have liked. And of course she's up against Rin of all people. XD Time for a Rin Fan image dump. Enjoy: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/313/2/0/rolling_rin_by_xemantha-d4fnfb5.gif
  20. Nice um.... skirt. Yeah, totally looking at the skirt. *cough*
  21. Gives the words 'go fish' a whole new meaning.
  22. I'd have to say Lilly from Katawa Shoujo here. She has an amazing elegance, is quite smart, and even has a mischievous side. And I love the idea of sensual experiences while using touch more than sight.
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