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Posts posted by desi

  1. Good review.


    Although just one thing I wanted to say


    Dustmania. What a freaky thing. I didn't like it. This kind of VN just isn't for me, plain and simple. But I still can't give it too low of a score. Why? Because I realise that it's no doubt very good for people who actually love guro.


    Not trying to call you out at all, but if you're doing a review, you should state YOUR opinion and not try to crater to a certain demographic. This way, you can fully represent yourself in the review and give a score that fits your own personal taste. This is your opinion after all and you should give it what you think it deserves, and not give it a higher score just because there are certain guro lovers around :p

  2. How about Aoishiro? Not sure if you're looking for 18+ material as well, but Aoishiro looks like it has a pretty good story. I have a torrent for it and there are links on here for it as well.. once upon a time, there were MF links available for it and that's where I downloaded it from... unfortunately, the links are dead.


    EDIT: Some interchangeable links for Aoishiro.


    Sugar's Delight might be an option.. but it's sort of like Sono Hanabira.. just a nukige. It's a OELVN. Sugar's Delight.

  3. Really? In which way? oO

    Did I miss something important?


    Chinami's route presents a lot of the background information on the protag and the past and introduces you to a lot of the characters that make appearances in the true route (like Ren, etc). It also introduces a lot of the relevant back story. So while it may not be 100% directly connected to the true route, you'll miss out on a lot of the necessary background info.

  4. The routes of the twins was my favorite. One thing I do disagree with is that when you stated Chinami's route was sort of senseless.... it's pretty essential for the true route. Oh, and it really sucks that Mare's entire route is in the fandisc and that a good chunk of the True route's story is in the fandisc as well. They provide pretty good closure to the true route in the fandisc.

  5. Majikoi S Update... or maybe not


    From the editor: "Finals start next week, so we didn't get any time to get anything done. Hopefully things will pick back up afterward."


    Meanwhile, the secret thingy I was talking about last week are the after stories.

    - Wanko route, as you know, has been put on hold (?) as the TL hasn't reported in for a while.

    - We now have a new TL, who knows Japanese pretty well, so he's trying his hand at the Momoyo after story. Pun-kun is going to TLC, to make sure there aren't any 'major' fuck-ups. We also have an editor for those routes as well (if he's not available, it'll be me editing).


    Status remains unchanged at 50% translated 20% edited, as the editor has said, because of the finals. It will probably be like that next week as well, but with winter break, Pun-kun will probably get things done faster.


    So good news for the people that want the entire thing complete. Looks like they might have found a reliable translator for the after stories.

  6. It was a good joke man, not my fault you guys are all biased and can't see the truth because of your misconceptions.


    Summing it up : madcuzbad.


    Please take the spam somewhere else.


    On topic:


    Ixrec also started on Moon and did nearly 1k lines of that. So while the 2nd partial patch is being developed, he is finishing the rest of the game. Definitely good news.

  7. That's a picture I found 5 months ago and I can't see any difference in the design at all...




    I guess I should have said more pictures then? They show more angles and such... for instance, you can see the skirt that was hinted in the older pics. Just more pictures in general.

  8. Those news are pretty old though.

    Anyway, I like the new designs.


    Nah, these just came out yesterday. The one that came out a few months back were the older ones.


    Looks great. As everything form type. Where did you found this?


    Just some random site. It's out everywhere now.

  9. However this doesn't mean you should hold back on my account


    Well... if you put it that way...


    MAJOR image spoilers ahead











    All pretty memorable.

  10. The church scene of Yuuko in ef fairy tale.


    Yeah, that was a very memorable scene indeed.


    Oh, and a lot of MLA moments... but you (Haika) are still playing it, so I won't tempt you by posting them. I think you'll definitely see them along your journey.

  11. [spoiler=ep11]Damn, what a good episode. Previous comments really explained why it was great. Deko x Nibutani scene was really nice and yeah, I agree with killer about the crying scene from a certain other anime :p Looked exactly like it. Prediction for next episode: Rikka's train gets derailed, Kumin-Senpai is actually the devil incarnate, and Dekomori ends up in a mental asylum. Serious Prediction: A pretty bittersweet ending. Not exactly sure how it's going to go down, but I don't think it's going to be a "rescue" scene.. guess we'll see. Oh, and the VAs did a marvelous job this episode.. seriously.

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