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Posts posted by desi

  1. Is it going to have new routs, because if not theirs no point of playing. Human translation is always better but human translation doesn't mean that it's going to be a brand new game with a new story line.


    Nope, no new routes. If you played with the crappy translation, then maybe it's not worth playing. Guess it's your decision. Lots of people skipped on out on the machine translation (including me), so this project announcement at least gives me a bit of hope.

  2. The ending translation should be in a .txt file in the muv luv folder... probably in the readme document.


    EDIT: It's in the readme, but I did copy and paste it here just in case.


    [spoiler=Muv Luv Unlimited Ending Translation]

    I had a dream.

    A dream of people living innocently, without knowing the meaning of peace.

    I had a dream.

    A dream of people risking their lives and living for the sake of protecting something.

    I think...only God knows which it was.

    But I still ask myself...was there something I could've done?

    I wonder, was that why I came to this world in the first place?

    If this was my unavoidable destiny,

    then what exactly was I to this world?

    Sad partings...the fate of humanity...and my own...

    I still wonder if I could've changed them.

    If I'd had a strong will to protect what I was meant to protect...from the start...

    Then maybe there was something only I could've done.

    I think there was.


    At the very least...I'll live on...and try to protect everything.

    I want to survive and protect this planet everyone gave up on.

    I think I can do that.

    The people left behind...the feelings left behind...the people I love...

    I'll protect them all with my life.

    I should be able to do something.

    There must be something.

    Humanity won't lose.

    I'll never lose.

    Because...I'm here...

    Because...I'm...still here...


  3. It's just a rumor i heard from my friends. This game only have trial patch. Is that true. Though i hope all unison shift game has english patch.


    As harle pointed out, Flyable Heart has a full translation patch... and as killer stated, it has a "full" machine translation patch... aka, the translation is going to be terrible. There is a current translation project out for this VN, but it won't be out for a while.



    *bows head resulting smashing floor*


    Anywho, there will be a future updates of it, right? Since it was just released~ o .o


    If you mean game updates, then maybe. Depends if there are still bugs in the game or not. They already have a 1.01 update out that is included with the download, so that could very well be the last one.

  5. Harle, that is a great Nibutani image... *bookmarks*


    I died of HNNNNG at this episode


    [spoiler=ep10]If you've already seen this episode, you don't need me to tell you how good it was or what it was about. This series is very original to me..... they do a great job at avoiding cliche like with Isshiki and Dekomori being told immediately about Yuuta and Rikka's respective feelings. Oh man, I had a great laugh at this scene http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1354744112053.png ... oh yeah, AWESOME music in this episode.. especially in the middle.



    P.S: Watch after the ED

  6. YES!!! It worked!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! God damn Webroot, shit's got to go!


    You should use Microsoft Security Essentials. Free (lol, this is a pirate forum) and one of the best anti-virus/anti-spyware softwares out there. Haven't had a single problem with it yet.

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