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Posts posted by desi

  1. After a fairly long stumble and irritation of games being incomplete, I've started working my way through Duel Savior Justice, and I'm really quite enjoying it, and for the first time in a while I'm looking forward to completing ALL routes in the game.


    In before repeated battles and not finishing the entire VN :p



    As for myself, I will start 999 in a day or two and lay low with the story VNs for a while.

  2. Try this:


    1. Click “Settings” on the menu bar

    2. Navigate to the “Sound settings” tab on the “Settings” dialog.

    3. Press the “Voices” button in the group box labeled “Volume”

    4. Press the “Close” button and it should now continue without any problems.

  3. Does anyone know or Koitate translation is dead? There wasnt any updates almost a year, at least in they official site.


    Maybe. They said they were going to take an extended break, but no updates for nearly a year... it's hard to say right now. They just had updates for manga translations yesterday... so it looks like the group is still alive.

  4. Also he could be trolling with the script size you know lol.


    That is true. All that is really known is the one with the technical problems on hold is the shorter one and the one he is currently translating is the longer one.


    And as to the whole debate with Ixrec and Aroduc that is probably dead but I'm probably reviving; they're both awesome.. enough said.

  5. For those waiting for LB EX/ME updates - Sasami Route is fully translated now.


    Okay, maybe a correction on my part.. it says 1,000 lines of the LAST Sasami script is translated.. that may or may not mean it's fully translated. It might be going off from the last update regarding the Sasami route.. so if 1,000 lines were translated, it's at 5472/6691. It's progress through \o/...............right guys?


    EDIT: It's 6064/6464 (~94%) translated


    EDIT: Another translator said It's 6057/6691 (extra lines might be EX)... I don't know what's right anymore.

  6. For those waiting for LB EX/ME updates - Sasami Route is fully translated now.





    EDIT: Okay, it might not be fully translated after reading it again. Progress though.


    EDIT2: It's 6064/6464 (~94%) translated


    EDIT3: Another translator said It's 6057/6691 (extra lines might be EX)... I don't know what's right anymore.

  7. Episode 7 is out


    [spoiler=Episode7]Damn, for a episode that looked like it was a bit of fan service, this episode truly advanced the plot. What Rikka said in the end was pretty powerful. "Banishment... this world." It looks like her chuunibyou is related to her her inability to move on from the loss of her father. Also, it looks like almost all of them get along better now and are growing closer as friends. Very good episode.


  8. Wow, ultimate face palm on my part. Read Kiriha as Erika. Anyways


    [spoiler=kiriha]Yeah, it was a pretty bittersweet ending. Might be a bit depressing once you know what will happen. Then again, maybe this is the best possible path for Kouhei.. living together and forever sounds kind of...boring? Or maybe you can think of an ending in your head where he becomes a servant later on


  9. Finished Canvas 2 yesterday. Not a bad VN.. I thought it was a nice change of pace after finishing up something very story heavy, like F/SN. Loli/Writer and Songtress/Sumire routes were awful. The rest ranged from not bad to very good. I definitely recommend to save Tomoko for last. I thought she definitely had the best route and she was pretty much my favorite character. One thing that people may or may not like is the fact that the protagonist seems to have a different personality in each route. I wouldn't say he has a COMPLETELY different personality, but you definitely see different attitude changes in a few of the routes.


    Some of my problems with the protag:


    [spoiler=SumireRoute]Absolute dick throughout this route. He pretty much stalks her and then tells her not to see him... he makes pretty much no sense in this route. I mean, it was a terrible route as it was, but him acting like that really didn't help out much.



    [spoiler=GeneralSpoiler]Yagani is a dick. He stole his childhood friend's painting and ruined his career... yet, the protag quickly forgives him once they are reunited... and a few minutes after that, Yagani quickly asks Kiri to marry him... WTF? Why would you forgive this douche for ruining your life that quickly... just a grip I had



    Recommendation: Loli and Songtress routes are terrible. Tomoko for last. Cousin Incest.

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