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Posts posted by desi

  1. VNDB says that Parfait has been picked by amaterasu translations.

    Yeah, it's supposed to be a side project for them.. Futsuu is supposed to be the primary translator after he's finished with Baldr Sky, but with Baldr Sky taking a bit longer, there is a possibility for Ixrec to pick it up. We'll know after Rewrite is done.


    Also, Shirotsume Souwa -Episode of the Clovers- is still stalled.


    This is another side project. Ixrec isn't the primary translator here.

  2. Next translation candidate of Ixrec is pretty much anything he rated higher than an 8... again, it would just be premature speculation at this point............ PARFAIT.


    The site itself says the project was stalled in the first news, not to mention that the site hasn't had any updates in a long time as far as I recall so yeah, I think it's been dropped, wich is a shame.


    I was hoping they would at least finish the green-haired chicks route. Doesn't look like that's possible now.

  3. Why it is so hard to translate this game?


    Not only did Ixrec mention how difficult it is to read the VN, Moogy also gave sort of an explanation about it.


    Here it is folks, the big one. Nothing that’s especially difficult from an adaptation standpoint, so this one is just a straight up test of how good of a writer you are. Are you man enough to handle the six distinct voices Jackson has on display in this one? Probably not unless you’re fucking Nabokov or somebody, since his (incredibly verbose) writing style is one of the cleanest and most expressive you’ll find from any writer in any language. Every time I reread parts of Oretsuba I gain a greater appreciation of just how fucking well-written it is – this is definitely not something to be approached lightly and I think anyone who really loves the game will agree that it’s something that should never be attempted by the kind of people who translate visual novels, professionally or otherwise. More than anything this is the game that needs a real, proven writer to work on a theoretical translation. And that simply won’t happen.




    The craziest part of the writing in Oretsuba is that each protagonist's point of view is written in a totally different style and none of the speech styles are reused between characters. It's honestly kind of unbelievable that one person wrote it. It's not an exaggeration to say that Oretsuba is the crowning achievement of the eroge industry in terms of pure prose, and I think anyone who loves it definitely understands just how well-written it is - which is ironically why it will probably never be translated.


    Again, It's Ixrec, aka God, so we shouldn't count it out.. but it would just be speculation (not tayutama) at this point.

  4. Keep up the chants and smite all the non believers.







    Also, I'm not sure if Oretsuba will be translated.. it's apparently impossible to translate from Japanese to English... but that hasn't stopped God before! But I do think there are other VNs that have been on the completed list for a while that he'll get to.. Oretsuba is fairly long.

  5. Any suggestions as to some who are translated to English?


    The sora patch is out in Yosuga No Sora, just have to e-mail the translator to get your patch. But you'll mostly be playing a partial VN, as Sora is the only route that is fully translated. Hoshizora No Memoria is another one. (You're looking for blood-related incest, and not just general recommendations, right?)

  6. That's good. They're more focused on translating the ones with a strong emphasis on story vs the ones with h-scenes...but I think there would be enough of a demand for those after stories to be translated that they will eventually get to them.. just a guess right now though. If the after stories are riddled with h-scenes and no story, then I don't think it'll be a loss.

  7. Thanks mounting the installer worked, but I still downloaded the file just in case, you've been a helping me from the start, what would I do without you.

    really, thanks..hahaha :)


    Yeah, you can either leave the .iso mounted or if you apply that patch in the installation folder, you can leave it unmounted. Totally up to you. Have fun with one of great VNs :p

  8. Close enough.


    I'm not sure what it says, but maybe you're playing it without the nodvd patch applied. That means you need to have the .iso mounted while playing the game. Or if you don't want to have the .iso mounted, you can apply the nodvd patch.


    Try applying this in your game installation folder.


    Let me know if that works.

  9. Oh once the romance (my favorite part of a vn, the moments you can see they both are starting to have feelings) starts dropping hints It barrages you with how it will end which is too depressing T.T


    If you finish all three routes and get all endings, you get [spoiler=Fate]a happy Fate ending with Saber


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